Beating Hearts

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A/N Happy New Year, everyone! (It's already the new years here in Malaysia, so just accept my wish okay 😤 here's a new year's gift from me to you. Happy reading ~

"Are you sure this is okay?" Kuroko's voice was hushed, afraid that anyone could be in the house right now. But Aomine didn't care about that - he didn't care if his mother would appear out of nowhere, he didn't care if they were still standing by the entrance, and he definitely didn't care that his heart was beating so fast.

All he wanted was to caress the boy standing right in front of him, face looking so innocent but eyes obviously craving for something more.

Aomine's finger brushed the side of Kuroko's face, slowly and delicately. He leaned closer until their lips were only inches apart, then he whispered, "This is very okay. I want to kiss you so badly."

Kuroko visibly swallowed the lump in his throat, and he wondered if the tanned boy could see how nervous he was. His hands made their way to the hem of Aomine's shirt and he gripped them tightly. He slightly hated how calm Aomine was, while his legs were trying their best not to give out.

Kuroko instantly shut his eyes when Aomine's cold hands cupped his face, and eventually bringing their lips together. The small boy let out a soft sigh as they gently kissed - a careful yet loving kiss. Aomine didn't want to rush anything just yet, so they stayed that way for a bit. He felt Kuroko's grip on his shirt slowly loosened, and he stepped closer to him, almost pinning him to the wall.

Kuroko's lips were softer than Aomine thought, despite being a boy. Well, it wasn't like he'd kissed anyone before, but Kuroko's lips were really soft and it reminded him of marshmallows - sweet and plump. Just to tease Kuroko a little, Aomine licked the bottom of his lip, earning an accidental moan from the little one.

"S-Sorry!" Kuroko's pale face turned red in an instant, causing Aomine to smile in surprise. "I don't know what happened to me."

"It's okay, Tetsu," A kiss on the cheek was given to Kuroko to comfort him. "You sounded great."

"Great?" Kuroko blushed even harder, his arms quick to cover his face and that prevented Aomine from kissing him more. "Don't say things like that, Aomine-kun."


"It's... embarrassing."

"Hey," Aomine tried to remove Kuroko's arms from his face, but he was too stubborn to move. "Look at me, Tetsu."


"Tetsu, Tetsu, Tetsu."

Kuroko let out a hushed curse - which surprised Aomine but he decided not to say anything about it - and slowly dropped his arms, though still not making eye contact with his soon-to-be boyfriend. Aomine sighed before cupping Kuroko's face again, forcing his eyes to meet darker ones. Aomine was squeezing his cheeks a little too hard, making Kuroko's mouth pout.

"I feel like I'm the most luckiest guy on the planet right now," He confessed, a big smile plastered on his face. "And in return, I want to make you feel like the luckiest boy in the planet too. I want to treat you right. I want to play basketball with you. I want to go on dates with you. I want to have se-"

"Don't ruin it, Aomine-kun." Kuroko frowned.

"I like you so much, Kuroko Tetsuya!" Aomine beamed before planting a quick kiss onto Kuroko's lips, which turned his frown into a small smile.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Tetsu," Aomine whined. "I was going to ask you first!"

Kuroko's smile became wider as he held the tanned boy's hands and leaned closer to him. Their smiles were so big Kuroko got a little worried that their cheeks might hurt later on.

But that's the least of his problems now.

"So is that a yes, Aomine-kun?"

"YES, hell yes!"

As excitement filled the two boys immediately, Aomine bent down to carry Kuroko's small body. He swung them around, both of their laughters echoing the whole house. Kuroko felt the happiest at this moment, and he silently prayed nothing would steal it away.

That nothing would steal Aomine away.

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