Electric Touches

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KUROKO WAS EXCITED FOR his first basketball training, and his excitement was obvious due to the positive radiation he was giving out. Murasakibara was amused at how Kuroko was so happy about being in the team, but he was glad too. Sure, they didn't get along that well, but their little banters only made them closer.

"I feel intimidated already." The quiet boy commented as he watched his senpais running around the court, a warm-up they usually did before starting a friendly match. Kuroko noticed Aomine joining them, and he was just as excited as he was.

Murasakibara only let out a soft yawn before stretching out his arms. Even without him showing it, Kuroko knew basketball was his best sport. He could be blindfolded but still score a point. The pale boy silently wished he had those kinds of ability too, maybe then he'll be more worthy to be in the team.

"Is it really okay for me to be here?"

That question was meant to be heard by Murasakibara, but Kuroko didn't notice Akashi standing next to him, so he was startled when the red-headed emperor answered him instead.

"I saw the potential in you, Kuroko. Don't underestimate yourself."

And with that, the red-headed gave Kuroko a reassuring smile and patted his shoulder. The latter only smiled nervously, then returned his attention onto the running team.

"Gather around!" Coach instructed loudly before walking to the centre of the court, where everyone gathered around him. He began to divide the team into groups, and Kuroko suddenly felt nervous knowing Aomine was in his group.

"Let's do our best!" The tanned boy grinned, giving Kuroko a fist bump.

Kuroko smiled, sincerely this time.

The training was tough, and Kuroko wasn't strong enough to keep up. He heard Coach screaming at him, but the only thing he could hear was his thumping heart. Kuroko breathed heavily, and before he knew it, he collapsed to the ground.

"Kuroko!" Everyone gasped and instantly made their way towards the pale boy.

"I'll take him to the infirmary." Aomine panicked, before carrying the small boy in his arms. Fortunately for him, Kuroko was very light, which made it easier to bring him around.

"Hang in there." The blue-haired whispered harshly, quickly jogging towards the nearest infirmary.

Luckily one of the nurses were there, and she immediately stood up when she saw the two boys entering. "What happened?" She questioned Aomine, who laid Kuroko on the bed without hesitation.

"I don't know," He admitted. "We were having our training, then he collapsed."

"His breath is short," The nurse placed her fingers onto Kuroko's pulse. "If he doesn't wake up in a few hours, I'm afraid you'll have to take him to the hospital."

Aomine's face paled, then he nodded nervously.

"I'm heading out for a moment. Give him a glass of water when he wakes up. I'll be back soon." She instructed before taking out her white coat. Aomine watched as she stepped out of the room, before turning his gaze towards the sleeping boy.

Aomine smiled softly, seeing how delicate Kuroko's expression was even though he was only sleeping. He noticed Kuroko's long eyelashes, the way his lips parted a little as he slept, and the slight tint of red on his cheeks. Aomine felt his heartbeat increasing as he took one of Kuroko's hand in his, and he sighed.

"I hope you're really asleep," He chuckled softly. "I can never say this to you aloud, but..."

"I think I like you." Aomine confessed.

Stupid, He scolded himself mentally. You don't even know him. You barely know him!

"It's stupid, isn't it? We don't even know each other. Are we even friends?"

At that moment then, Aomine promised to try his best. He's never felt this way before, and he surely didn't want to give up so easily. He didn't care that Kuroko was a boy. Aomine didn't care about liking another boy. It doesn't matter. All that's matter was he wanted Kuroko to like him back, it's all that he ever wanted.

While Aomine was thinking of ways to be closer to the smaller boy, Kuroko woke up, but kept his eyes closed. He heard what the other boy had said, and he tried his best to contain his smile. He didn't want Aomine to know he's heard everything.

I think I like you too, Aomine-kun, He silently thought, while controlling himself not to squeeze the blue-headed boy's hand.

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