Monday Blues

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A/N This chapter will be a little bit longer than the previous chapters. Bear with me hehe :)

IT WAS A MONDAY EVENING when Kise Ryota saw Aomine for the first time. He stood by the gym entrance, silently watching how the blue-haired boy made his way towards the net. The way his legs moved, it was as if Aomine was dancing to a quiet rhythm.

He ran and jumped, and it was that few moments between the jump and dunk that Kise felt the world stop. Aomine's body was formless, but somehow he managed to make it look flawless. His sweat glistened under the rays of sunlight peeking through the gym windows.

At that exact moment, Kise felt something.

Time unfroze and he heard the net flutter.

"That was amazing!" Kise's voice startled Aomine and himself. He never thought he'd actually say something, let alone step foot into the gym. "How did you do that?"

"Huh? Do what?" Aomine tilted his head in confusion.

"The thing you did before the dunk."

"Ah, that," Aomine's eyes gazed upwards as he thought about the formless shot he just did. "I don't know."


"It's fine if you don't want to share your secret," Kise crossed his arms teasingly. "At least teach me how to play."

"Teach you?" Aomine squinted his eyes. "I don't even know you. Besides, I'm waiting for someone."

Kise looked around but failed to see anyone else but the two of them. He couldn't help but think Aomine was lying to him.

"Fine, my name's Kise Ryota!" Kise introduced himself proudly, pointing his thumb to his chest. "And you will teach me basketball."

Kise instantly regretted his way of introduction when he felt the menacing aura emitting from Aomine. He chuckled nervously before taking a few steps back, just in case. Aomine decided to ignore his request by picking up his basketball and headed towards the back of the court.

"You cannot ignore me forever," Kise huffed in annoyance. "I'll join the club and you will teach me."

"If you're serious, go ahead." Aomine answered, then he lifted the ball on one hand. "Now leave before I throw this at you."

Kise eventually signed up for the club, to Aomine's surprise. They made eye contact when coach was giving a brief announcement about the upcoming tournament. Kise was nervous yet excited at the same time. It was a long time since he felt this way towards a sport, and to think it came with a hot tanned boy.

Kise stopped himself from thinking any further before he start a mental argument with himself. He realised he was still staring at Aomine, who was now glaring at him. Aomine, on the other hand, thought they were having a secret staring competition, and he definitely didn't want to lose.

When it was time for practice, Kuroko was assigned to be his tutor instead, which made Kise spill a bunch of annoyed sentences in his head. He wanted Aomine to teach him and nobody else. It was because of him Kise decided to join the club after all.

"Nice to meet you," Kuroko greeted politely, bowing his head a little. "I'm Kuroko."

"Yeah, yeah," Kise dismissed him. "Okay."

Kise didn't bother trying to hide his annoyance and disappointment. Kuroko was friendly and all but it wasn't what Kise needed. His eyes would wander towards the familiar tanned boy from time to time, wishing he would give him some attention. Kise wanted a challenge, not a pity tutorial on how to score a hoop.

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