Perfect Relationships

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Aomine immediately got out of bed and headed straight down the moment he heard his mother's calling. His stomach grumbled in hunger and he found himself drooling a little when his eyes met the delicious food on the table. Without a second thought, he sat down and started digging in.

Aomine's mother smiled before eating, then she spoke, "I haven't seen Sacchan for a while now," His mother has called Momoi that way ever since they were little, and she thought it was cute. "Why don't you invite her for dinner sometimes?"

"Ah?" Aomine gave her a disapproving look.

"We haven't spoken in so long," His mother pouted a little. "It'll just be like how it used to be!"

Aomine ignored her reasonings, only reaching out for a karaage in front of him. The last thing he wanted was two women talking trash about him while they go through his pre-teen photos. Aomine cringed inside thinking about it.

"You know," His mother's voice was softer now. She gently placed her chopsticks on her bowl of rice. "I like Sacchan, and you two have been inseparable since you were little -"

She's the one sticking to me like glue!

"It would be nice if things could develop into something... more."

Aomine choked on his food hearing those words coming out of his mother's mouth. If them going through his embarrassing photos was bad, this was definitely worse. Aomine has never seen Momoi that way and he would never. After all, he already had someone he liked.

A boy.

If Aomine were to say that out loud, his mother would surely freak out.

"At least I'd know you'll be safe."

"I can take care of myself. I don't need a babysitter, and I definitely don't need Satsuki."

Something flashed in his mother's eyes, but Aomine couldn't grasp on what it was. Was it shock? Hurt? Heck, if Momoi heard what he'd just said, she'd probably burst into tears right now.

Tch, women are annoying.

Aomine soon realised that his mother had stopped talking, only eating her food in silence. He felt the heavy tension between them and wondered if he had crossed the line.

He sighed.

"Fine. I'll ask her to come over tomorrow."

"Okay!" His mother beamed at him.

Aomine was excited to see Kuroko the next day, but much to his luck, the smaller boy was nowhere to be found. They had texted a while ago and Kuroko sounded normal. Did something bad happened to him?

The tanned boy stared at his recent text in their chat - Kuroko still hasn't read it yet. Aomine let out a heavy sigh before plopping himself onto the gym floor. His eyes wandered around the gym as he watched his other teammates play, and he accidentally made eye contact with Kise. Kise was laughing, but his expression changed when their eyes met. The blond boy instantly looked away.

Aomine felt guilty for some reason. He doesn't receive confessions often, especially from girls, so he never really knew what rejection felt like. He could only guess that it sucked.

Wait a minute. Something feels off.

Aomine felt his cheeks heat up as he realised he's been confessed to, not one but two boys! It kinda made him feel embarrassed. Am I not attractive enough for girls?

His eyes wandered towards Momoi, who was busy flirting with one of the basketball players. Well, due to her always clinging onto him, there's no doubt that people would assume they were dating. Aomine let out a heavy sigh. If only there was a way for her to leave him alone, but he knew it was impossible.

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