Chapter 7

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"What's wrong with your shoulder princess Emika ?" 

Emika was about to decline her assumption and say that it was nothing but before she could say that, her shoulder began to hurt. She put her hand on her shoulder and winced through gritted teeth, unconsciously. The Queen immediately stood up from her seat and went beside the younger maiden. She was shocked when Emika's pure white dress began to acquire a bright crimson colour. The bandage somehow had loosened. The Queen quickly called a physician and made her check-up the injury. She was quite surprised when she saw the fresh wound on the younger maiden's shoulder. 

She gasped, "How did this happen ?" Emika hesitated for a moment, Queen Haruto sat on the bed Emika was resting. "You know, you can trust me enough." She placed her hand on top of Emika's and smiled slightly, Emika looked up at the queen, finally gave up and told her about how they were attacked by the group of assassins. Queen was quite confused by the fact that they were attacked in the middle of the way and Emika was the one who was targeted. There must be some reasons behind this attack, "There must be some reasons on why they attacked all of a sudden." Emika bit her lip and began to recall the memories. Queen was also wandering why anyone would be attacking her. But most importantly, they both were worried about one thing, what if Izana finds out. And they decided to keep the matter between themselves.

After discussing on some important issues and completing a few other works, it was finally time for Emika to return to Wistal. And this time, they were more alert and prepared. But thankfully this time nothing happened. They reached Wistal safely. Izana was waiting for them to arrive infront of the castle gates and when the carriage came into view, he smiled a bit even though it was invisible to others around him. 

The carriage stopped and there comes princess Emika but instead Bella came out and gave her hand to the princess. Izana felt like something was off. It was usually Emika who came out first, also he could see that she was walking a bit uneasy. Emika came up to Izana and bowed, he took her hand and placed a kiss in it just like he did everytime. They began to walk back into the palace, the royal couple were a bit ahed of others. Emika was skipping a few steps and Izana began to grow suspicious. 

"Is anything wrong ?" He asked after he stopped walking, Emika turned around and faced him, "Uh, no." She asked confused, "Then why are you skipping steps and what happened to your left leg ?" He asked again, "It's nothing." Izana looked at her with a look that said, 'do you know who you're kidding with, I am serious.' Emika sighed and said, "It's just a small sprain in the ankle." "What ?! And you kept it away from me ? Did something happened on the way ?" His overprotectiveness kicked in. He glared at the princess in front of him. Emika just looked at him with bored expression.

But the next thing surprised her the most, she was scooped off the ground. She looked at Izana who was now holding her bridal style. She looked away in embarrassment as a lot of people were in the hallway. A lot of guards and maids were blushing with heads down and were whispering among themselves. Emika was now bright red. "Do you also have a fever ?" He asked, "Cause your face is completely red." He smirked to himself, Emika hit him in the chest and he faked a hurt expression. People awed the couple, they didn't seem to mind. Afterall, they weren't doing anything bad. 

Izana brought her to the infirmary and gently laid her on the bed. "Your highness, what happened ?" Garrack, said worried. "It's nothing, just a sprained ankle. Make sure that it heals fast." Izana told the chief pharmacist, "Sure, Your highness." Izana then took his leave. 

Garrack went to the princess and checked her leg, it's just a minor injury. She took some herbs and applied on her injury and then bandaged the position. But Garrack felt like this wasn't the only reason why princess was here. "Is that all you have princess ?" The older female asked, and she got the answer she expected, "Unfortunately not."














"You said that the pharmacist in the palace checked your injury." Garrack stated as she finished changing the bandage, "Yes." came the reply from the young maiden. Garrack nodded. She was quite surprised when she first saw the injury. And like previously she also said that if she gets hurt in the same place again, it might not be good. "Please come to the infirmary every two days to change the bandage." Emika nodded, Garrack looked at the princess and said, "Are you really going to hide this from his highness ?" "I don't have any other choice." "But what if he finds out ?" Now, Garrack was worried, "J-just, I'll have to face the consequences, nothing more." Emika sighed once again and stood up, with another farewell, she left the infirmary and went to their shared room.

She entered and saw no one, she was glad about that fact. She took a good shower and changed her clothes before walking towards Izana's office. But instead she came across Prince Zen who wasn't looking all smiley like the other days and Emika saw that. She approached Prince Zen and talked to him, he replied that it was nothing but actually she knew something was wrong but let it slide. 

Night came soon. Emika and Izana had their dinner, after a bit of talking about some matters, they went to bed. Emika laid down and felt the strong arms that gripped her waist. Thanks to lord that her blush wasn't visible and they went for a deep slumber. 

The days went by. Everything was going on fine as Emika wanted it to be. She had managed to keep her injury secret from Izana. But what she didn't notice was that Izana was a bit suspicious of her. He would occasionally see Emika taking a longer time in the bathroom and even noticed her to visit the pharmacy a few times. He shrugged it off, thinking it was just a chat with Garrack or she always took so much time in the bathroom but he became more suspicious when he saw the bandages on the corner of the bathroom and to make the situation worse, it was covered in blood. 

Emika wasn't aware of this until Izana brought this up on the table during breakfast the other day.

When Izana said that, Emika almost choked out her food. "What are you trying to say ?" She tried to play innocent but couldn't for long, "You hurt yourself somewhere else instead of in the leg, didn't you ?" Emika froze on her spot but she still shook her head saying he was just worrying too much.

But the next thing that happened, shocked her the most, "Commander!" Emika's eyes went wide, the commander entered and bowed. "Your highness." He greeted Izana and then Emika. Emika could tell he was also nervous. 

"Commander, did something occurred in the way to Wilant ?" Izana asked, "Your highness-, I-I-" "Tell me about it." Izana ordered, anyone would be terrified if they saw him right now. Sweat began to gather in his forehead, he looked at Izana and then at Emika. He knew that if he didn't, he might receive a horrible punishment but again if he said, it could disturb the relation between the couple. But he was bound by the oath of duty and so he confessed. And hearing the answer, Emika sank deeper into her chair but Izana was more than shocked to hear it.

"Your highness, we were attacked by a group of bandits." 


I am done with this chapter, in next chapter, we might see the beginning of the anime. But expect the update to be late because I have exams coming. Let me know your thoughts. Bye!

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