chapter 10

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Fortunately Emika had completed all the paperworks that were due. It was really a refreshing journey. Suddenly her mind wandered back to the young red haired maiden. It was really very unusual for someone to have such unnatural hair and probably that's what made the maiden special.
She walked through the halls,to be more accurate,wandering around the halls. The sun had just begun to set. Soon darkness will take over and stars will twinkle. Not to mention,it was the favourite part of the day of the princess. She remembers staying up countless nights just to look at the stars from her bedroom window or perhaps her balcony.
While all these,the sun had gone down and the stars have started to appear. She stood in the garden and took in the view in front of her,it was.....breathtaking.
Her eyes didn't fail to notice the star that glowed the brightest. It reminded her,a memory of her home.
She would often sneak out from her room to the balcony on the southern part of the castle, which allowed you to view the large gardens and the uplands with the most amazing flower valleys. The whole castle would panick onto where the young princess went,then when she would return her brother who had been sitting on her bed all the time,would come and let out a sigh,hug her and then starts the lecturing session. This girl could be a handful. None could ever imagine that stubborn child would grow up to this fine calm lady. All of that existed in the past,now every bit of it is just a memory.
A soft tear trailer along her rosy cheek but nonetheless,she smiled..not a bright one but one that'll calm you down. She treasured these memories,they're the reasons clutching onto which she had a live,a good amount of time.
She has been stubborn till now but yeah,it's finally time to accept everything happened till now.
Then her mind went back to Izana.
'What could he be doing right now ?' She thought to herself, whilst on the other hand,Izana who was busy analysing his paperworks too remembered her but it wasn't really time for that. The fast he'll solve the matters,the fast he could return to the capital.
Emika sighed and turned around to walk back into the castle. The guards stationed all around bowed their head in respect. Their eyes glistened with devotion and determination. In front of them was walking, the future queen of Clarines,who was beautiful as well as the definition of something close to perfect.
Over time,Zen and his aides have grown close with Emika but when they're outside, formalities should be maintained just in case. She loved him,as a brother and probably her first ever best friend other than haki and her brother. While thinking all these,she didn't notice that she has come near the greenhouse. She didn't know why she was there but she was.
She was about to leave when she noticed a presence inside. She remembered him from somewhere. She quietly walked up to him. The princess studied the boy carefully,he was picking up a few selected herbs very carefully. He seemed to have sensed her presence as Emika saw him stop what he was doing. "You know,don't pluck it now." His stand stopped before it could touch the herb,he turned around to look at her. "The herbs like rainbow leaf for example have their maximum effectiveness right after sunrise." (A/N- This is what Ryuu told shirayuki in episode 4 ?) Emika stated calmly. The boy seemed to absorb the information and looked at her with amazement. Well,you don't expect a royal to be aware of such such things.
He nodded,then stood up and bowed. Emika chuckled,"I have seen you around the medical wing. Are you the rumoured royal pharmacist ?" "Yes,your highness. I'm the royal pharmacist,ryuu." ",please sit down." She sat down in a bench,mentioning him to do as well. He hesitated for a moment but the princess just patted the seat beside her.
"Do you know who I am ?" Ryuu looked at her,clearly he didn't had any idea on who she was,she claims to have seen him but never had he ever seen her in the castle grounds or even outside. He shook his head politely. Emika smiled before replying,"I am Emika, the friend of the younger prince,his highness prince Zen that is." She had purposely avoided Izana,not wanting to bother this little soul about her status. Ryuu tilted his head,"You look a lot like him." "Oh really ?" "Yeah." They fell into a silence. Emika spoke again,"How old are you ?" "12." He replied,leaving Emika completely shocked. Then a smile cracked on her face and she patted the boy in front of her. "Everyone just say I'm kid and they usually don't trust me with medications much." Ryuu didn't know why but he felt like speaking this to her, he wondered if her behaviour would change towards him but no,it didn't. "Why will you listen to those who never knew ? It's useless truly. Believe in yourself,people will always talk. Take them to you advantage, don't let them bring you down. Okay kid ?" Ryuu slightly blushed at the nickname but nodded. Emika then smiled to herself before getting up,"It's getting late,you should go back to your quarters. Good night." "Good night princess Emika." "Just call me Emika,you're just like my younger need for formalities." He nodded before Emika left the greenhouse to the hallways again.
She didn't pay much attention but stopped to see someone in the hallway. It was pretty late,past dinner time and she wondered who could be there.
Carefully she took her next steps and there she recognised the while locks of a certain blue eyed male.

"Prince Zen ? Why are you out at this hour ?" Not only Zen but his aides were also there,Emika rose an eyebrow,waiting for her answer. Zen as if caught red handed stood there awkwardly.
"Um...we just returned,that's all." Zen said scratching his neck and giving an awkward laugh. Emika narrowed her eyes,"Then where were you the whole day ?"
Before Zen could reply,Emika's eyes went to his hand.
"What happened to your hand prince Zen ?" She asked and Zen froze,he never thought she would figure out that easily. Then she turned on her hills and said before leaving,"I believe you have some explanations to do young man." Zen had no other option but to follow. This is going to be a long night.


Hi everyone!! How are you all ? I know it's been long since I came here last but here I'm!!
I'm extremely sorry. Till now,I was super busy with my studies plus my health hasn't been supporting me lately but let's put them aside. I'm really thankful for the votes this story got and the support of ya'll. My mothertounge is obviously not English,so please excuse if there's any kind of grammatical mistake. Try forgiving me if you can,love ya'll. Thank you so much for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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