Chapter 6

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Previously  ------

".....will you marry me ?" 

Emika didn't expect the sudden confession but she blinked once and then smiled slightly before mouthing a "yes."

Izana's face lit up, but not everyone could understand it except for some people like Emika and Her majesty, Haruto. He took her hand and gently kissed it. Emika couldn't help but let out a small giggle. It was late like really late and so they decided to go to sleep now.

The next day, all of Emika's things has been transferred to Izana's room. They were having breakfast then but Zen didn't accompany them as he wanted to eat with his aides and Izana let him be for the day. A comforting silence settled between them until Izana decided to break it. "I got a letter from Queen mother early this morning." Izana said, "Oh. What did she say ?" "She said that she wanted to meet you and thus wants you to head to Wilant as she couldn't make it here to Wistal due to her busy work." "I understand." She nods her head, "So when do you think I should leave ?" "Why not tomorrow." "And why is that ?" She raised a brow, "I just want you to prepare yourself before going there." She didn't question but went back to her thoughts. 

The next day arrived shortly and Emika was already on her way to Wilant. She was seating inside the carriage, reading a book peacefully. Her maid,  Bella was staring out the window, enjoying the view outside. Suddenly, the carriage came to a halt. Emika almost dropped her book. Both the females looked at each other and Emika decided to go and find out what happened but Bella protested, "M'lady, I think I should check this matter." But Emika decided to tag along and they came out from their carriage. 

Emika went to the commander ahed and asked what happened, "I am sorry, your highness, we had to stop for some odd reason. I am going to find out the reason as soon as possible." He replied. He then walked towards the soliders who were at the front, Emika behind him with Bella beside her. They reached to see two wide-eyed guards with fear and worry written all over their face. 

The three newcomers followed their gaze and saw something that should really worry them. A arrow covered in blood, shot directly to a nearby tree and a message was written, 


Emika furrowed her eyebrows at this. What's the meaning of all this. Then realization hit her and she narrowed her eyes. Her reflexes worked quickly and she pulled Bella and the commander by their hands. Both were confused and as soon as they got their balance, an arrow passed by them. It hit the tree beside. All the guards were on high alert now. And just what commander, Bella and Emika feared, a group of assassins came out from nowhere. 

Numerous arrows were shot towards the trio, especially the princess. They managed to dodge every attacks but now the assassins began to pull out swords. All the royal soldiers also pulled out their own swords and began to fight. Five soldiers surrounded Emika and Bella, and Commander was infront of the duo. The soliders had to protect princess at all cost. 

Emika regretted the fact that she didn't brought her sword. But then again, who knew they will be attacked in the middle of the way. 

The assassins were losing but they didn't gave up hope. Not to mention, some soliders were also hurt and injured. But then suddenly, Emika felt a pain in her shoulder. Bella and commander turned towards Emika, who let out a small scream and were shocked. An arrow hit her, right in the shoulder. Bella immediately ran to her mistress, "M'lady!!"

"We have to take her highness to safety right now." The commander declared, the soldiers nodded. Emika grabbed the arrow and took it out, it surely hurt and she winced in pain. Bella tried to calm her down but she was on the edge of crying. After watching the condition, Emika couldn't help and so she took a sword and began to fight. Bella tried to stop her but she was ignored. 

Bella was aware that no one could stop her in such moments. "Princess!" Commander called, "You can get yourself more hurt!!" But he was also ignored. Watching her fight, all the guards and commander were left in complete shock. The commander signalled them and they again resumed their fight. By the time, they were able to take down every assassin. Some were dead whereas others were badly injured, commander ordered some of men to take care of this mess whereas others rushed to the nearest possible physician with Emika. Her shoulder wasn't in a good condition at all. 

Emika winced in pain as the doctor cleared her wound, "You shouldn't have pushed yourself to the edge." Bella watched her mistress getting treated with worried eyes. "How are you feeling your highness ?" Commander asked, "I am doing quite fine." She replied and took a deep breath as the doctor finished treating her wound. "The wound will heal slowly but remember to not get yourself hurt in that place again or it can turn into a serious injury." Emika nodded. She changed clothes before they again continued with their journey and finally they reached their destination, the Wilant palace. 

The Queen herself was standing at the gates, waiting for the princess to arrive. Princess Emika bowed as soon as she exited the carriage. The Queen nodded her head in acknowledgement. She then invited her for some heat which Emika couldn't decline and followed the elderly woman. 

'It's been a long time Emika." 

"It sure has, your majesty."

"Please don't be too formal, just Haruto."

"Okay Miss. Haruto." Emika smiled slightly at the kindness of the Queen. 

They talked about some random topics, girls talk. Haruto sure enjoyed the company of this young maiden and even thought of her as her own daughter, which she is indirectly. But something was off about this white haired maiden which didn't get unnoticed by the Queen. She asked a question which surely made the younger maiden froze on her spot,

"What's wrong with your shoulder princess Emika ?"


Another chapter completed! Thank you for your patience dear readers! Do tell me if I am rushing everything.Like, share and follow. Leave comments, Bye!!

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