chapter 9

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The open air hit her in the face. And to be honest, she loved this feeling.
It's been a while since she last stepped outside the castle and dressed as a normal woman instead of that god damn long princess gowns.

Her white hair moving in sync with the cool breeze. She thankfully managed to keep a secrecy about her plan of going out. Everyone in the castle but Zen and his aides knew about her absence. All of the castle workers knew that she locked herself in her room because of some important issues she was dealing with.

She breathed a sigh of relief as she was finally returning today. It will be her last day outside the castle for a while. She had travelled a long distance, she had crossed the borders to Tanbarun. She visited Tanbarun when she was younger but now all of them are nothing but memories and she would prefer to keep them as memories. These memories are something she doesn't want to recall at all.

She was about to head back as she knew the dangers of crossing the borders, herself being a quick-witted princess. But she stopped when she saw something very unusual.

Red hair.

She noticed as a young maiden with bright red hair was searching some herbs with a basket in her hand. She was probably searching for something.
'Spellamiso- for the granddaughter of ms. Mary' --- Emika could read out in the note attached to her basket.
Emika jumped down from her horse, surprising Shirayuki.
"W-who ar-re you ?!" Shirayuki slowly backed up a bit.

Emika kneeled down and grabbed some of the above mentioned herbs before inspecting them. After she was done inspecting, she held them out for Shirayuki to take.
"W-why are you giving me this ?" Shirayuki asked, confused.
Emika looked at her with a 'duh' expression before saying, "weren't you looking for it ?"

Shirayuki slowly nodded and then took those herbs before thanking Emika. "Thank" "Emika." "Thank you for helping me miss Emika." "Please don't be that formal." Emika slightly chuckled causing the girl infront of her to go wide-eyed.
Her voice was sweet but her smile was brighter, bright like sunshine.

Shirayuki gave her a sweet smile before she panicked. "It's time to open the shop! Thank you for helping once again! Btw, I am Shirayuki! See you next time miss." Shirayuki bid her farewell and ran towards the town.


Emika remembered her name. Afterall this little maiden was surely interesting.
She took one last look at the city before riding on her horse and leaving for Clarines.

Emika managed to sneak inside the castle and was walking down the hallway. Everyone who were in the halls noticed her presence and quickly bowed. She returned the greetings with small smiles of her own.

Everyone were reveiled that this young maiden was safe and sound. (A/N - Because if not, Izana's gonna kill them)

On her way back she encountered Zen. He was looking tired, dark circles were beneath his eyes.
Emika felt bad for doing this to him.

"Prince Zen." She called.
"Ah! Lady Emika!" Zen sighed, "You're back!"
"I sure am Prince Zen. I hope you weren't much troubled because of my selfish request." "No!No! It was fine!" Zen denies, "How was your trip ?" He asked instead.
"It was quite good and interesting." She said, looking out the window.

"I am glad that I could help you." Zen smiled slightly, he hasn't seen her quite reveiled in the past months.

"Zen." She called out his name, he was a bit surprised because she never addressed him with just only his name. "You're free for the day." His eyes lit up and he cracked a smile before turning around to leave. "And Zen, you can always tell me if something happens." Zen nodded and bid his farewell leaving Emika alone with her paperworks scattered on the table.
Back to Izana, he sat straight infront of his mother. His mother sighed and said, "You really want to know right ?" He nodded. "Then listen, you knew the previous king of Crystals ?" "Elder brother of princess Emika, yes." "Yes, he was crowned after the unexpected death of king and queen. He was loved by both of his sisters. He was kind, handsome and very clever just like his father. He was also loved by the citizens. " Izana nodded in understanding, "Everyone were happy in the kingdom until one day, surprisingly a group of bandits attacked the castle. And it wasn't at all sudden, everything was planned. However the attacker planned to kill every single person of the royal family. And it was all planned by a lord of Crystals who was close friends with the royal family. They were huge in number and even though it was sudden, Shin managed to defend the attack bravely. They were almost winning the battle. But then the lord appeared and he had taken the princesses as hostages. Prince shin then attempted to free the princess first, so he went to fight with the lord. He managed to take down the soliders and freed his sisters. But when they were escaping, princess Kanako was shot by a poisoned arrow which caused the princess to suffer for several years and not to mention she still suffers from pains and thus has special treatments whose ingredients are imported from Lyrias, the reason why they're in good terms with Clarines." "I see." Izana hummed, "Not to mention princess Emika was also badly injured." The Queen said, causing Izana to froze on his position, "After princess was shot, Emika couldn't help and took hold of the sword and took down the soliders, because she had to. Her brother, was badly injured while fighting with the Lord. When Emika was fighting, one arrow hit her directly in the arm whereas another hit her in the left shoulder. It missed the neck by chance but if it didn't then you know what would have happened." Izana was too shocked to say something. Emika was shot on both of her shoulders, one more attack on any one and it can turn into something major. He silently cursed.
Cursed himself, for treating her like that.
"The attackers were defeated but all the royal family members were badly injured, especially Prince Shin. Shin was in care of meds for few weeks until one day..." Izana got the hint but still asked, "....until one day he was no more. And this left the whole kingdom, especially the princesses devastated. This is the reason why they have changed so much. As per the letters if Queen Kanako, his brother's passing away greatly affected Emika and she turned cold to everyone. The same Emika who never killed a single ant became the fierce warrior of the kingdom." Queen Haruto concluded. Izana on the other hand was facing some problems with grasping the information. He never expected it to be like this, the reason why she was called cold towards everyone, the reason why she tensed up on the mention of 'brother'. And let how much he tried, eventually Emika was the only weakness of him. He could never handle if something happened to her. He made a mistake and he is gonna apologise for it.

'Just don't pull up something reckless next time until I get there. Be safe.'


Sorry for the late update! I hadn't been feeling well lately. I hope you will enjoy this. Thank you for reading. Please leave your thoughts.

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