Rules and Prizes

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Welcome to the arena, fighters!

The Arena Awards are dedicated to fantasy and sci-fi writers looking for their chance to conquer.
This is a subcategory awards which will release a new subcategory to compete in (aka an arena) every month!

"I would always rather be in the arena fighting than be a spectator."
- Evel Knievel

Your story must belong to either the fantasy or sci-fi genres

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Your story must belong to either the fantasy or sci-fi genres. Other genres will not be accepted unless the specific arena dictates otherwise. 

You may enter as many subcategories as you want with as many books as you want, but you must fill out a separate form and complete separate judges' payment for each one.

Judges cannot compete in the arenas they are judging, but may compete in others in which they are not.

There is no chapter minimum or reads limit, but all stories must be in English.

Follow this community account. (If you have followed previously, please unfollow and refollow, thanks!)

Add this story to your private library and a public reading list.

Give this awards a shout-out on your message board.

The password is two words taken in order from the quote above (Evel Knievel's).

👑 A permanent follow from this account

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👑 A permanent follow from this account

👑 Your book featured in the exclusive winner's reading list

👑 A shout out from this account

👑 A chapter dedication in this awards book

👑 Short reviews from the judge(s)

👑 A winner's sticker

👑 A specialized role in our awards discord server

👑 A spotlight interview in our community book

👑 A Champion's crown, of course! (aka bragging rights)

[Huge thank you to raizelrose3 for the amazing graphics and the beautiful winners' stickers <3]

That should be all of it! If you have any further questions, please proceed to our FAQ chapter.
If your question isn't answered there, feel free to ask it on the appropriate inline <3

The Arena Awards [Open For Entry]Where stories live. Discover now