Episode 4 - Pilot

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Driver: Ok girls this is the place you will be staying for 6 months and a couple weeks.

Chaeyoung: Do we really have to? 

Driver: Don't ask me, I am just here to drive you guys to your location.

Driver: Don't ask me, I am just here to drive you guys to your location

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Mina: Wow, this house is pretty big

Driver: I know right? But you girls need to get your luggage's from the car and start packing.

Jennie: Ok

*After a solid 4 hours of packing their belongings into the house, the girls are very tired and decide to take a nap, except for Jennie, Jisoo, and Nayeon.

Nayeon: I wonder how the others are sleeping right now, I mean it is just 1:00pm

Jisoo: Well, back in Korea it is 5:00am right now, so I think they are probably jet-lagged.

Nayeon: Oh

Jennie: Well, I am getting a little tired, so I am going to go to sleep.

Jisoo: Me too.

Nayeon: I guess I am going to sleep too

Nayeon: Also, it is funny that I haven't seen any cameras since it is a reality show.

Jennie: shh, I'm trying to go to sleep.

Nayeon: Sorry.

*After a few hours, a couple members wake up except for Lisa, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu*

Mina: I am so hungry

Jisoo: Me too

Nayeon: Oh, so there are cameras

Jisoo: huh?

Nayeon: At first, I was wondering why there were no cameras when we walked in, but now I can see them.

Jeongyeon: It's like the cameras are hidden in plain sight.

Jihyo: Anyways, what are going to eat.

Rosé: I'll check the fridge.

Rosé: Great, it is empty.

Jihyo: Well, we can split up into two teams; One buys the groceries, and the other cooks.

Momo: There is no way I am eating American food.

Jihyo: uhm... I'll look um Korean stores nearby.

Jisoo: In the meantime, we can split into teams.

Jennie: I will cook.

Sana: Me too

Jeongyeon: Nayeon and I want to get the groceries.

Mina: Me too.

*The teams were decided*

Groceries: Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Mina, Dahyun, and Rosé.

Cooking: Jihyo, Sana, Momo, Jisoo, and Jennie.

Jihyo: Great, I found a Korean store 15 minutes away.

Nayeon: Who is driving?

Jeongyeon: I will.

*The grocery team goes to the Korean store, while the cooking teams wait. *

... meanwhile at the store...

Jeongyeon: Should I get rice cakes?

Mina: Yes, we can make ramen tteokbokki

Nayeon: Ok, let's get the ingredients.

Dahyun: we could always get some side dishes and chocolate.

Rosé: ok lol.

... meanwhile at the house...

Momo: I wonder what they are getting

Jihyo: All you can think about is food Momo

Momo: I have a big appetite, so it is going to take more than one bowl of ramen to get me full.

*The girls hear the sound of a car outside. *

Jisoo: That must be them.

*The girls hurry outside and get the groceries inside. *

Momo: So, what did you guys get?

Jeongyeon: We got the ingredients for ramen tteokbokki and some other side dishes.

Momo: oooh sounds delicious

Rosé: yeah, it does

Momo: I wasn't talking to you.

Jihyo: Don't be rude!

... to be continued...

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