Episode 6 - First Night

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Jihyo: Ok, so our rooms are finally decided.

Momo: And I am very tired.

Jennie: Me too

Nayeon: Lets go to bed I am getting really sleepy

Jihyo: Ok everyone screens off. Go to the rooms you chose and go to bed.

Mina: Ok

* The girls turn off the lights and each go to their selected rooms. *

Lisa: Goodnight

Dahyun: Yeah, whatever

Lisa: What do you mean?

Dahyun: I have not done my nightly stretch

Lisa: Oh

Dahyun: Be aware. I will be blasting a lot a meditation music

Lisa(sarcastically): Great.

*In room 2*

Jihyo: Ugh, it's so annoying to have to deal with those adult babies every day.

Jisoo: I can relate

*Jihyo turns of the light and they both go to bed*

*The next morning. 9:00am*

-Chaeyoung is first to wake up-

Chaeyoung: Ugh I am sooooo bored. What can I even do in this house?

-Jisoo, Jihyo, Rosé, Mina, and Nayeon also wake up-

Nayeon: Hey everyone, what is for breakfast?

Mina: Unnie we just woke up, and now you are already thinking about food.

Jihyo: Ikr, I mean she has not even brushed her teeth.

Jisoo: I usually eat breakfast before I brush my teeth

Mina: Ur weird, stay away from me

Jihyo: I am going to wake everyone up.

*Jihyo gets a speaker, plays it on full volume, and she puts a loud song which disturbingly wakes everyone up*

Jihyo: Now that everyone is awake, GO GET READY FOR THE DAY!

* Everyone brushes their teeth, takes a shower, and gets dressed. *

Jisoo: Today we are going to do something fun.

Mina: I don't care. I am going to my room.

Rosé: Me too

Jisoo: You guys have to come so we ca-


Nayeon: Wow, Mina actually yelled for the first time in a while.

Mina: *rolls eyes* I'm leaving

Jeongyeon: Sorry Jisoo, Mina does not usually have an attitude.

Jisoo: It's fine.

Nayeon: Anyways, do you guys want to play a game

Momo: We can play lie detector

Jihyo: But we don't have a lie detector.

Momo: I actually brought one in my luggage. I'll go get it.

Jihyo: Ok

Nayeon: I heard the lie detector has a truth serum that makes people tell the truth.

Jennie: It's probably fake.

Nayeon: Yeah, you're right.

Momo: I'm back, and I have the lie detector with a truth serum.

Jihyo: The serum is fake and it does not work.

Momo: You don't know that for sure.

Jihyo: Whatever.

Momo: Shall we get started?

Lisa: Yeah.

Jisoo: Who is going first?

Jihyo: Definitely not me

Momo: I will just do eenie meenie miney mo.

*Momo picked Lisa*

Lisa: Ok, time for me to get exposed.

... to be continued...

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