Episode 7 - Lie Detector

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Momo: I'm back, and I have the lie detector with a truth serum.

Jihyo: The serum is fake and it does not work.

Momo: You don't know that for sure.

Jihyo: Whatever.

Momo: Shall we get started?

Lisa: Yeah.

Jisoo: Who is going first?

Jihyo: Definitely not me

Momo: I will just do eenie meenie miney mo.

*Momo picked Lisa*

Lisa: Ok, time for me to get exposed

* Momo puts the lie detector straps on Lisa. *

Momo: You have to drink the truth serum

Lisa: Fine.

Jihyo: Ok, what is the first question?

Jennie: I'll be first to ask.

Jihyo: Ok

*Jennie asks Lisa*: Did you like mine or Rosé's solo better?

Lisa: Uhh... Yours

Momo: She is telling the truth.

Jennie: Yay, I have the better solo.

*Jihyo asks Lisa*: Do you think any of the twice members are ugly?

Lisa: Yes.

Momo *shocked*: She is telling the truth.

Jihyo: Who do you think is ugly Lisa?

Lisa: Uhh... sorry, but I think Momo is kind of ugly.

*Momo gasps and storms out crying*

Lisa: Wait.

Jihyo: Look what you've done.

Lisa: Sorry, I didn't mean it that way.

Jihyo: Well, it seems like you did.

* Jihyo also storms out *

Jennie: I can't believe you would say that.

Lisa: But-

Jeongyeon: Whatever, the damage is already done.

*Everyone storms out to their bedrooms except Tzuyu*

Tzuyu: It's ok, I don't find Momo unnie that pretty either.

Lisa: I'm fine, you don't have to pretend to like me.

*Lisa storms out in shame*

Tzuyu: Mmh she is weird.

*Jihyo and Nayeon go to Momo's room to comfort her*

Momo: I guess the blackpink members aren't as nice as they seem.

Nayeon: Yeah, we should stay away from them.

Momo: I deal with a lot of hate about my appearance, and now she straight up calls me ugly. What a bitch.


Momo: Sorry, I guess I got a little mad.

Jihyo: Ok

Momo: You guys can leave now. I'm fine.

Nayeon & Jihyo: Ok

*... meanwhile in room 3...*

Dahyun: No offense, but I wish I could switch my roommate.

Lisa: I understand you don't like me.

Dahyun: Yeah, I think I made it obvious

*In room 5*

Chaeyoung: Lisa called Momo ugly.

Rosé *gasps*: Really?

Chaeyoung: Didn't you just hear me? Or should I repeat my self?

Rosé: Why did she say that?

Chaeyoung: Well, while you and Mina were busy doing whatever you were doing, we played a lie detector game with some type of truth serum. Jihyo unnie asked Lisa if she thought any of the members were ugly. Lisa said yes, and she said Momo is ugly.

Rosé: I'm going to to her room.

*rosé goes to room #3*

Lisa: Hey

Rosé: I can't believe you would say that about Momo.

Lisa: I'm sorry it just slipped out of my mouth.

Rosé: You shouldn't be apologizing to me. Go apologize to Momo.

Lisa: Ok.

...to be continued... 

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