Episode 5 - Decisions

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Jeongyeon: We got the ingredients for ramen tteokbokki and some other side dishes.

Momo: oooh sounds delicious

Rosé: yeah, it does

Momo: I wasn't talking to you.

Jihyo: Don't be rude!

Momo: Well, it's true I wasn't talking to her.

Jihyo: Momo, you really need to start working on your people skills.

Rosé: Its fine, I mean we barely even know each other, and now we are being forced to live together for months.

Jihyo: I know but she could have been a little nicer.

Momo: Sorry

Rosé: It's fine.

Jeongyeon: Anyways, if you guys don't start cooking, the hungrier we get.

Jennie: Oh yeah, let's start cooking.

*The girls in the cooking team start cooking*

...in the room...

*Tzuyu and Lisa wakes up*

Tzuyu: I smell food

Lisa: Me too

Tzuyu: lets go check it out


Jihyo: Oh, there they are

Nayeon: Who?

Jihyo: Tzuyu and Lisa are awake.

Jisoo: Ah just in time, the food is ready.

Jihyo: Since you girls were sleeping while we were cooking, you can help set the table.

Lisa: Ugh, do we have to?

Jihyo: YES, NOW!

Tzuyu: Ok L

* After a while the girls eat, and they are full*

Jennie: I'm so full.

Jisoo: Me too

Nayeon: Who is washing the dishes?

Sana: Not it.

Tzuyu: Not it.

Mina: I know who.

Momo: Who?

Mina: The dishwasher.

Momo: Great idea.

Jihyo: I'll load the dishes in the dishwasher.

Momo: Ok

Tzuyu: Well, we still need to pick rooms

Nayeon: As I am the eldest, I shall pick first.

Jisoo: No, I am.

Tzuyu: Let's just play rock paper scissors or something to decide who goes first.

Momo: Ok

Dahyun: Wait

Jennie: What?

Dahyun: Chaeyoung is still asleep.

Jennie: Well then, I guess she will have to pick last.

Momo: Can we play rock paper scissors already

Jihyo: Ok

Jennie: Rock paper scissors... shoot

*All rooms are now picked*

Room 1: Jeongyeon, Jennie

Room: 2: Jihyo, Jisoo

Room 3: Dahyun, Lisa

Room 4: Mina

Room 5: Rosé, Chaeyoung

Room 6: Momo

Room 8: Sana

Room 9: Nayeon

Room 10: Tzuyu

Jihyo: Ok, so our rooms are finally decided.

... to be continued ... 

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