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Hello there! I'm Juliette Matthews. You probably know my dad if you're into hockey. Auston Matthews, hockey center. He's pretty cool. He's taught me all I know. Well when he's had time. He stays in Toronto most of the time since he's signed with a team up there. I stay with my mom and brother in Arizona. I've been playing hockey since I could remember. So has my brother. He's two years older than me. He can be a pain in my butt a lot of the time. Now let's get on with the story, shall we...

At around 11 am, my mom knocked on my door.
"Come in!", I say. She walks in with a weird look on her face. Like she's happy but sad at the same time.
"Oh hey,mom what's up?"
"So I just got off the phone with this guy, Don Tibbles. He works for Hendrix Hockey Apparel, and he called to ask you if you'd like to play in the Junior Goodwill games along with a few other teens and a team from Minnesota. I think it's a awesome opportunity for you, and you should take it. I have to get back to him tonight so."
"Of course I want to play! This would be great for me! An international competition! Dad would freak if I didn't take this chance."
"So should I call him back and tell him yes?"
"Ok, sweetie. Start packing. Your going to be there for at least a month. And get your hockey stuff ready too."
"Ok, mom!"

I finally finished packing at around 12 am. I had called my dad and told him the news. He was so excited for me. He told me things I should practice on from watching g my tapes. While I was packing, I had my best friend,Genesis, on facetime. She has been my best friend since I could remember. She also plays hockey with me here in Arizona. She seemed kinda jealous about this offer but I'll just brush it off. She's just sad she won't see me for a while, right?

I got ready for bed and read for a bit before I went to sleep. I was really excited but also nervous. What if my new team doesn't like me? What if I mess up badly and none of the college scouts pick me? Juliette you need to chill. You got this. I hope.

I woke up at 6 am to get ready for my long flight. I put some black leggings on with a green sweatshirt and some black high top converse. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and did my skin care. I got the last things into my suitcases and headed downstairs for some breakfast. I had oatmeal and apple juice. My had finally gotten up and drank some coffee. My brother got up to say bye to me. I'm going to miss him a bit. My mom and I got in the car and started driving to the airport.

When we got there, she helped me check in my hockey bag and big suitcase. I said my last goodbye to her. She gave me some money for food and to splurge. I gave her one final hug and made my way to my gate.

I finally got to my gate after a long walk. I sat by the window and pulled out my book. I had brought 4 books with me. I put my AirPods in and pressed shuffle on Spotify. Something real by Lameboysharp comes on. I sit there and read my book. It had been about an hour when I heard an announcement.
"Flight to Minnesota is now boarding."
I got my stuff together and walked over to get in line. I got on the plane and was in seat 4A. My dad wanted me to get a first class seat so. I sat down and got myself all situated. After about half an hour, we were ready for lift off. The sky looked beautiful once we were in the air. I had my AirPods in listening to music and reading the same book as earlier.

We finally landed in Minnesota after three and a half hours. It was a smooth flight for the most part. I got off the plane and went to get my checked bags. I walked out to the exit to see a sign with my name on it. I'm guessing that's Mr. Tibbles. There was some other boys around him. I assume those were some of my new teammates.
"Hi there, Juliette! I'm Don Tibbles, Hendrix Hockey Apparel. I'd like you to meet your new teammates. Dwayne Robertson from Austin, Texas,Dean Portman from Chicago, Luis Mendoza from Miami, Florida, and Ken Wu from San Fransico, California. We are just waiting for one more person."
"Hello, I'm Juliette from Phoenix, Arizona. Nice to meet you all.", I say
"There she is. Julie 'The Cat' Gaffney. She's from Maine." She walks over to us and says, "Hello everyone, I'm Julie. Nice to meet you all"
Mr. Tibbles then says, " Well, let's get on the bus and drive to the rink. You'll meet the rest of the team there. They're a great group."

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