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I woke up pretty early. I just couldn't keep sleeping. I checked my phone to see if Guy had texted me back yet but no text. There was one text. It was from Apollo. That's odd. Oh well. I got dressed and went to get breakfast from the hotel.

It was our last day here so I went to meet up with the Connie. I texted her and said to meet me at the park. We saw each other and ran to each other. It feels like ages since I've last seen her.
"Oh my gosh. How have you been, Jules?"?, Connie said excitedly.
"I've been good. How about you?"
"I've been good. Luis and I are still going strong. Im so excited i get to see him soon. And we are playing at this preppy school. That's going to be so cool."
"Yeah I'm so excited. I've got a whole dorm to myself. Do you get to stay on-campus?"
"No since I live here,but I'll be sleeping over at your dorm all the time."
We continued to walk. We walked to an ice cream shop not too far from the park. I still hadn't gotten a text from Guy. I really wanted to see him before I leave tomorrow.

Connie and I hung out for a bit longer,but she had to leave for work so we said our goodbyes and I went back to my hotel.

I got to the hotel and packed up some of my stuff. I decided that I would just walk over to Guys house. It wasn't too much of a walk. I had my AirPods in and directions on my phone. I had to start making a mental list of everything I had to bring with me back here for my dorm. I'll try to decorate it a bit. I hope I'll get a room to myself. I'll try to see what I can do to get that done.

I finally got to Guy's house. I rang the doorbell and waited. After a couple of minutes. I hear locks unlocking. The door opens and it's Guy's mom.
"Oh hello,Mrs Germaine. Is Guy home?"
"Oh no he isn't. He said he was meeting up with his friend."
"Oh did he tell you where?"
"An ice cream place I believe  it's not too far from here. Like 4 blocks."
"Oh ok. Thank you."
"Would you like me to tell him you stopped by?"
"Yes if you could do that it would be wonderful. Thank you again. Have a great day,Mrs Germaine."
"You too,sweetheart"
She closed the door. I stood there for a few minutes. Contemplating whether I should go check the ice cream shop or just text him. It's not too far of a walk. You could use the cardio. We're going to the ice cream shop.

I put my AirPods back in and started heading there. I got there and I saw him sitting there with another girl. Well that's fun. Every time. I should've known. I didn't bother him. I just left. I texted Apollo to see what he was up to. He said he was just at his house so I told him to meet me somewhere to go somewhere. He said for me just to send my location and he'd come to me. So I did and I waited. After about a half an hour, he arrived. I gave him a greeting hug and he took me to some of his favorite places.

"So what's up?", he asked.
"Oh nothing much. I just wanted someone who knew the city to show me around. And since you live here well I called you. The rest of my teammates are busy or working so."
"Cool cool cool. Are you hungry? I know a great pizza place near here"
"Honestly kinda"
"Ok come on follow me.", he said as he grabbed my arm and led me to the restaurant.
We got seated and ordered.
"So are you excited to go to Eden Hall?", I asked him.
"I guess. I'm not too fond of meeting new people and changes."
"It's ok. You already have one friend going there. Me"
"Thanks. So are you gonna stay in the dorms?"
"Yeah. I'm really hoping  I get a room to myself. What about you?"
"No since my mom lives here,but it's ok. As I said. I'm not too fond with changes."
"Yeah I understand that. Really quick, what's yours zodiac sign?", I said.
"I'm a Pisces. What about you?"
"I'm a Virgo."
"That's cool. I don't know that many virgos."
"Really? I can name a whole bunch"
He just laughed. We continued to talk and eat.

After about an hour,we payed and walked out the restaurant. "Thank you again for taking me here. It was amazing", I said.
"Oh no problem. It was my pleasure. Do you want to go play some hockey?"
"Yes, I could've really use the training".
"Ok come on follow me."

"Here are some skates and my extra gear", Apollo said.
"Thank you so much", I said.
We got on the ice and started doing some warm up laps around this public rink. We started to do some puck control then some shooting. It was nice. I was getting to know someone and training. That's nice. Since it was a public rink,anyone could pay a small fee and skate. Well, load and behold, Guy and the girl start skating. And she's quite good. Maybe even better than me. This hurt a lot. This happened once with Genesis and it's happening yet again.

I did my best to ignore him and focus on training a bit. He kept looking over where Apollo and I were. It really hurt. Maybe we just aren't meant to be together. It's been a month since he was with Genesis. Guy really is a player. Doesn't look like it.

After about and hour and a half of training, Apollo and I finished up and started exiting but Guy called out.
"Hey,Jules. Who's your friend here?", Guy says skating up to his with his girl right behind him.
"He's one of my dads friends kid. And who is te girl behind you? You're a great skater by the way"
"Oh her? She's a friend. Her name is Lucy"
"Hi there. Nice to meet you. Thank you. I saw some of your shots. They're strong and powerful", she said with a preppy tone and smile.
"Thank you"
"Wait your Juliette Matthews and Apollo Kerfoot. Your dads play for Toronto. Oh my gosh. I didn't even notice. That's so cool"
"Thanks. We get our skills from them. Well we should get going. I leave tomorrow so I hav ego finish packing. See ya soon,Germaine. Nice meeting you,Lucy"
"Thanks you too!"

Apollo and I walked away and took our gear off. He walked me to my hotel and went back to his moms house. I showered,finished packing, and went to sleep. One month until I Eden Hall. I better start getting ready.

Dream Boy - Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now