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"Flight to Minnesota is now boarding"
"Come on,mom. Let's go.", I said excitedly.
"Ok ok slow your roll."
We grab our bags and board the plane. We sat in first class. My brother didn't want to come. He decided to go on a trip with his friend. His lost. We sat down and I was practically jumping out of my seat. I was so excited. Here we come Minnesota.

"Hello, everyone. This is your captain speaking. There has been a problem with the engine so we will be departing a bit later than expected. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you."
Well that's just great. It's fine. We will get there eventually I thought.

They brought out some snacks and drinks for everyone. It was pretty hot in the plane. I had to take my sweatshirt off. I was sweating a lot, and the Arizona heat wasn't helping at all.

About an hour had passed when the captain came back and said, "Hello,everyone. It's your captain speaking again. Unfortunately, we will not be able to depart to Minnesota today. If you need to stay the night, the airline will pay for your hotel. We will be exiting the plane in a few minutes. Thank you"
"Well that's just great. Is there any other flight to Minnesota, mom?", I said annoyed.
"I don't know. We'll have to go to the desk and see if they have any other flights.", my mom said. I sighed and got my stuff together. We'll have to run to that desk to find another flight.

"Hello, hi. Are there anymore flights going out to Minnesota today?" my mom asked the lady.
"Hi, there are but it leaves at 7:30 pm. Is that alright?"
"Yeah that's fine."
"Ok,great. Were you on the plane that didn't depart? The one going to Minnesota.", the lady asked us.
"Yes, we were", my mom responded.
"Ok well instead of refunding it, we can transfer the money to this flight if you'd like. "
"Yes that's be great. Thank you"
"No problem,ma'am. Here are your boarding passes. Have a safe flight!"

We walked away. We had a few hours to kill. We got some food and walked to our gate.  Boarding didn't start till 6:50. Our gate area wasn't too full so we took a seat close to the charging ports. We sat down and started eating. I was starving. We just sat there for a while waiting. More and more people started  coming into our area.

Finally, after sitting there for what felt like an eternity, we started boarding. We boarded first. I got comfy in my sit and was super excited. Hopefully we actually depart this time. After half an hour of boarding, we were ready to depart. I got gum and my AirPods in, and my phone on airplane mode. I was ready. We got in the air and my ears started to pop. The sky looked beautiful. The sunset looked magical.

I read my book and listened to music. It was peaceful. I took out some snacks I had packed in my carry on in case I got hungry. We are supposed to land soon. I'm so excited!

We finally landed. We got our bags and got an Uber. We drove to a hotel near the arena for the game but near my friends. I texted Guy and told him we landed and that we were at the hotel. He was super excited to see me tomorrow. I miss everyone,especially him.

My mom and I woke up early. I got dress for the day. I wore mom shorts with with a black crop top and a sweater on top because it was a bit chilly. I remembered that Charlie's mom worked at a diner, so I texted the team and told them to meet me there. My mom said she was going to go visit the mall of America. It wasn't too far from my hotel so I walked.

I walked in and everyone was there. They all embraced me with big hugs. Especially Guy. I missed his hugs. We all ate together. We talked and laughed. We all had a great time. Some of them had summer jobs they had to get to, so we all said our goodbyes and left. Guy said he didn't work today so he spent the day showing me around.

"And this is the pond that we used to practice on before Coach Bombay came to coach us. Pretty cool right", Guy said.
"Definitely dangerous.", I said in a slightly concerning tone.
"Anyways, down this road is my house"
"Ooo can we go pleaseeee"
"Fine but it's a bit of a mess"
"I'm ok with that. I'll clean it up"
"Ok,Matthews let's go.

We get to the front door and unlocks the door. We enter and it was a decent house. It wasn't extravagant yet nice. There was a homey feeling. I saw plants and I got super excited. I went to go look at them. Guy just smiled as I ran to to them. He showed me the house then we went to his room. I flopped onto his bed. He did the same. We started to cuddle.
"You know,Jules. I missed you a lot."
"I missed you too,Germaine" we just smiled and kept quiet. Eventually I broke the awkward silence and said, "So are you excited about the scholarships?"
"Yeah I guess. I hope Bombay still coaches us."
"Yeah me too. But guess what"
"Arlo is going there too for a soccer scholarship"
"You're joking"
"Nope he told me when we first met up."
"Damn. That's crazy."
"Yeah just wanted to let you know. You know what we should do"
"Let's go play some soccer. We can go get a cheap soccer hall and play in the park."
"That'd be pretty fun. Just a heads up. I duck at soccer. So please do not make fun of me"
"No promises"
"Wow you know what. It's on. Whoever wins our little game has to buy the other ice cream. Deal?"

We go to the closets store and get a cheap soccer ball. We walk to the park and start playing. I showed off just a bit. I hadn't played soccer in a very long time. I missed it.

We were both tied. 5-5. Next goal wins. guy gets the ball and shoots.it slowly goes into the goal I made. Dang it.

"Oh yeah! I win you lose! Hahaha!" Guy bragged.
"Oh whatever. I'm still better"
"Not according to that game. Now you owe me ice cream"
"Whatever. Come on,Germaine. Let's go."

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" I asked Guy.
"Mmm I want strawberry" Guy answered.
"Strawberry? Really? Ok then"
"What? Do you have a problem with what I like?"
"No it's just strawberry is just not my favorite"
"Ok well it's mine so"
I rolled my eyes and ordered. I got double chocolate chunk. We walked around the park and talked. It was a nice evening. He walked me back to my hotel. He gave me a kiss goodbye and that was it. I'll see him tomorrow.

Dream Boy - Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now