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I hear a light tapping on my hotel door. I know I should've stayed in bed and ignore it but I couldn't, so I looked through the peep hole. It was Guy. I open the door and say in a raspy voice, "Guy, it's 4 in the morning. What happened?"
"Come on,sleepyhead. We are going on a late night drive, watch the sunset, and eat breakfast. I asked your mom. She knows I promise. So you up for it?"
"Yeah I guess. Let me out a bra on and some clothes. Brb" I close the door and quickly change.
"Come on, Jules." I smile and follow him to his car. I didn't even know he could drive. He probably can't but oh well.

"Feel the morning on my face", I started to sing along to the song "When I RIP", "Ain't a pill that I didn't take"
"Just alive tryin cause it's been a long day", Guy sang. We look at each other and smile. I was so happy in that moment and time. My feelings for him never went away. I just pushed them down. I really did like him.

We were blasting music and had the windows down. It was exciting. We drove to a empty space and waited there for a bit. Finally the sun was rising. It looked beautiful.
"The sunrise is beautiful", I said.
"Not as beautiful as you", Guy said. I blushed when he said that. I laid my head on his shoulder,and he laid his head on my head. We just sat there, looking at the sunset.

"I'll get a plate of hash browns and a chocolate chip waffle please", I said to the waiter. We were eating at the diner Charlie's mom works at, Mickey's diner.
"You sure that's all you want?", Guys asked me.
"Yeah Im sure. It's what I usually get."
"Ok then. Anyways did you like your little surprise?"
"I absolutely loved it. Low key thought you were a serial killer or something I don't know."
"Hahaha! That's funny. I talked to your mom about it and she was cool about it. Your moms pretty cool. I thought she'd be a bit strict."
"Nah she's pretty chill. I love her. We have to go to my dads game today. Really excited."
"That's super cool. I'll be watching it on tv"
We continued the conversation and ate our food.
"Do you mind if I ask you something a bit uncomfortable?", I asked Guy.
"Yeah sure I guess", he answered kinda worried about what I was going to ask.
"Why did you end up dating Genesis and not me even though we were having such a good time?"
"Oh...um... I don't know"
"You don't know?"
"Well it's complicated. She caught my eye, and it felt like you weren't putting that much effort and she was flirting with me and stuff. I thought you weren't interested."
"Oh wow. Ok. Thank you for answering that."
"Now you're mad. I'm sorry ok. You asked me to be honest so I was."
"No I'm not mad. Just a bit confused."
"Confused about what?"
"Why you think I wasn't interested. Because i invited you shopping, to get food, read, walk around, and some much more. We kissed, several times. And you still thought I wasn't interested. But Génesis bats her eyes at YIU once and you guys are together. It just doesn't make sense."
"Well it's just complicated,Juliette. Okay"
"It's really not but whatever you say Germaine. Check please" I said to the waiter. We both just say there in silence. We got the check and we both paid our half. We got up and left.

The walk back to my hotel was awkward and uncomfortable. We just walked in silence. Not knowing what to say to the other. We got to my door and I looked at him. I gave him a hug and walked in my room.
Now let's get ready for my dads game.

Dream Boy - Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now