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We had woken up the next day ready for our first practice. Julie and I got up and did our normal routine. I changed into a long athletic shirt and some leggings. We went down to the lobby to get some breakfast. I was kinda surprised to see the boys already down here eating. Tibbles then said we had to go to the rink for practice, so we all packed into the bus and drove to the rink.

We walked into the locker room to see all of our gear already there. We got our gear on and headed out to the ice. When we got out there, coach gave us a jersey that was either red or blue. He proceeded to tie us up and said, "I don't know how to make this any clearer. You are a team and to win this thing you gotta work as one. Now as one, skate." We attempted to skate but failed miserably.
"Everyone goes their own way, everyone falls down. Now get up and try it again", he said while we were on the floor. We tried a few more times before we finally got it.

Coach then called us over to kneel. He said, "You guys are starting to look like hockey players. Proud of you, team. You worked hard today. But hockey should also be fun. Rancher Dwayne"
"Yes, sir", Dwayne responded
"Round me up some stray cattle there", coach said in a terrible country accent.
"My pleasure!", said Dwayne. And at that we all got up as fast as we could and skated from Dwayne and his rope. Dwayne then taught us how to line dance. It was a fun first practice.

The next day, we had to wake up at 7 am to get ready for the airport.
"Come on, Julie. It's time to get ready", I said to Julie trying to wake her up for the airport.
"Leave me alone, Juliette", she moaned. I came up with the bright idea to just pull her blanket off. Once I did, she sat up in her bed and gave me the death stare. It was kinda scary, but she knows I did it because I love her so she let me live.

We both got dressed in a USA t-shirt that Hendrix gave us to wear today. I put some black sweatpants on with my black high top converse. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and grabbed the last of our stuff. I of course double checked to see that we had everything before we go eat some breakfast.

When we get down to the breakfast area, we see that the boys were already down there eating. I make myself some cereal and grab an apple for the trip. We all get on the bus and go to the spot where we were going to pick up the rest of the team, coach, and Miss McKay.

Julie wanted to sit by Adam, and Connie wanted to sit by Luis so I just went to the very back and sat by myself.
"This spot taken?", Guy questions. I look and see him standing there. OMG, Guy wants to sit by me? Ok act chill, Juliette.
"Um no you can sit here if you'd like", I say while moving my bag. He nods his head and sits down. It was really awkward at first but I broke the silence by saying, "So Germaine, how'd you sleep?"
"I slept good, Matthews. Thank you for asking. What about you?"
"Good the hotel bed was nice. They had these cool robes that were so soft. Of course Julie and I put them on. The breakfast could've been better but the robes make up for it. Sorry, am I ranting? I can stop."
"No it's ok. It's cute when you rant"
Did the boy of my dreams just call me cute? Oh my gosh I have to be dreaming.

We talked the whole way to the airport. It was nice. We talked about our siblings and families. I told him about my dad. We got to the airport at around 9:30. When we got there, we took all our stuff off the bus and went to check in our hockey bags and anything else we needed to check in.

Guy was by me the whole time. He was really sweet. We all left the check in area and went to our gate. It was a very long walk.

On the way, I found some book stores. Guy would come in with me. I found out he liked to read too. I browsed a bit and found a book I liked. I told guy to pick something but he didn't want to. So I chose something that I think he'd like. I paid and went back to the gate. We sat by a window and read. I gave him one of my AirPods so he could listen to music with me.

After about an hour and a half, we heard an announcement.
"Flight to Los Angeles is now boarding."
We all got up and got our stuff together. We got in line. When I checked mine and guy's boarding pass, it said we were seating next to each other which was fun. We got on the plane and headed to our seat, 14 A and B.

We sat down and got ourselves situated. Guy seemed really nervous, so I held his hand and told him everything would be ok. He looked at me and smiled. I gave him some gum to chew on so his ears could pop. We got ready for take off and up in the air we went. After about half an hour, I fell asleep on Guy's shoulder.

After the 2 hours of me sleeping, I woke up. I noticed that our hands were still together. I saw that he had fallen asleep too. I was still tired, so I cuddle up with him and went back to sleep. Not too long later, Guy shook me. We had landed. We got our stuff and headed to baggage claim.

We finally got our bags and got on the bus that was waiting for us outside. We got on and went to the arena that we would be playing at. It was huge. There were people everywhere and teams from all over the world. Before we had gotten there, we all changed into tracksuits that Hendrix had provided for us. They were pretty comfortable. It was so cool. I couldn't wait for our game tomorrow.

Dream Boy - Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now