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I quickly get up and yelled out his name. He stops skating and looks back behind him. I keep yelling his name. I walk a little towards him. He finally sets eyes on me.
" JULIETTE!", he squeals as he runs towards me. I run towards him and jump into his arm.
"What are you doing here?", I ask him.
"I'm here for the Junior goodwill games for soccer. What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for hockey. I missed you so much. Woah you've gotten taller", I said while looking at him up and down.
"I miss you too,love. Good to see that you're still sticking with hockey. I still think you should've stuck with soccer instead but hey whatever you want. What have you been up to?"
"Well nothing really. I got here two weeks ago. My family is here. Somewhere. They wanted to go do some things. Genesis is here too. She's with a guy on a date. And that's pretty much it. What about you?"
"That definitely sounds like Genesis. I've been playing you know. I have gotten as many fouls here like usual"
"Woah that's surprising. I've missed you a lot, dude. When are you going to come visit me in Arizona?"
"Well I don't know. I got this soccer scholarship to this preppy private school in Minnesota. Eden Hall."
"What! That's amazing, Arlo! Oh my gosh please tell me you accepted it."
"Of course I did. I wouldn't give this opportunity up."
"I'm so proud of you, Arlo"
"Thanks,Juliette. It means it a lot coming from you. Well anyways are you hungry? We can get something to eat if you want to?" I check time and see that it's getting close to curfew.
"I would love to but it's almost curfew time and I need to get back to the hotel. I'm sorry. Maybe another time."
"No problem, love. It's all good. Why don't I walk you to your hotel. And if your family is there then I'll say hi to them. Sound good?" I smile and nod my head.

We get to the hotel. As Arlo and I are walking in my family is too. My mom sees him and calls his name out. We both turn around. They come walking toward us. They all catch up and talk. We were childhood best friends. It was always Genesis, Arlo, and I. The trio. Arlo had moved to Oregon when we were ten. We lost touch. It was good to see him again.

We said our goodbyes to Arlo. We exchanged numbers and made a time to meet up and go out to eat. I went back to our room. I showered and got into bed. I turned the tv on and relaxed. It was all calm until Genesis got arrived.

Genesis came in the room yelling. For god knows what. Julie, Connie, and I all jump a bit hearing her yell. She comes towards me and says, "You whore! Why would you ever talk to my Guy? My boyfriend. He's mine not yours. He always will be mine. So get over him. Ok. Stop trying to steal him from me! We all look at her in shock. What the hell was she talking about? Guy and I were never a thing. Unless he told her we kissed or something. And if anything, he talked to me and flirted with me. "Ok well I don't know what you're talking about but you're probably drunk or something I don't know. Come on let's get you changed."
"Hell no don't touch me you boyfriend stealer. I'm going to go sleep in his room to make sure you don't try anything. Got it" and I that she slams the door.

I sat there in shock of what had just happened. It seemed like Julie and Connie were too. We looked at each other confused and scared. It took all three of us a good five minutes to get back to normal. We got in bed and watched a movie. We were tired so we all went to sleep. I just couldn't sleep. So I went outside for some fresh air. And to my surprise I see Guy. I sit beside him and said " So Genesis um well-" he cut me off and said, " Yeah she told me. I don't even know how she knew we were kinda a thing"
"Wait so you didn't tell her anything?" I asked really confused.
"Nope not me"
"Ok well that's  weird. Anyways I'm just going to try and sleep. Night,Germaine"
"Night, Juliette" and at that I walk away and he stays. I really did like him. I guess he just didn't like me enough to date me. I don't know. Men suck.

I woke up early the next day ready to get ready to practice.I got to the rink before anyone and started skating around. It was nice. Just me alone on the ice. Calm and peaceful. This was my happy place.

It was all calm and peaceful u til I heard the door open. I thought it was the rest of the team, but I checked the clock and saw that it would be too early for anyone to get here. I get a bit scared so I grab my hockey stick and slowly skate over to the opening and head to the door.
"AH!",Guy yelled, "You scared me, Juliette"
"What how did I scare you. You scared me. Sneaking in here this early. Why are you even here early?"
"I wanted to. I thought I'd be the only one and I'd have some peace and quiet."
"Ok well you're not going to get that here so either you can wait for after practice or come back a different day because I'm here."
"Woah woah woah. Why don't we share the ice. That's a better compromise. You take one side and I take the other" I rolled my eyes. I looked back at him. He was looking straight at me with those ocean blue eyes. I fell for him all over again. He interrupted this connection with saying, "So what do you say?"
"Oh um sure yeah I'm ok with it I guess"
"Ok great I'll take this side you take that side. I'll be back imma go change" I smile and put a thumbs up. Yes, you read that right. Thumbs up. Not a cute oh I'll be waiting. Nope a thumbs up. All he does is smiles and walks away. I shake my head and get back on the ice.

The rest of the team finally gets here after about and hour. We did the usual. Some fun drills. Some sprints. Passing. Luis was still working on stopping. It was funny seeing him fall so many times. Practice ended and we had the rest of the day to ourselves.

I finished changing and was about to enter the locker room when I heard Bombay and Adam talking. Coach had to take Adam off the team until his wrist healed from the hit to his arm in the Iceland game. Bombay was going to take him to the doctor to get it checked out. I told Charlie what was going on and what I heard. He said he had the perfect person to replace him.

Everyone went to the beach or to go shopping for souvenirs,but for me I was going to meet up with Arlo. I couldn't wait. We were going to this restaurant and then go walk around.

We both got to the restaurant right on time. We sat down and ate some good food. It was like a food court kind of deal but nicer and prettier. There weren't a lot of people. It was decorated very cute. So I of course had to ask Arlo to take some pictures of me. I looked quite hot if I say so myself. We talked for a long time. Just catching up on all the missed years. He told me about his family and soccer. I did too. We finished up and we paid for our meals. I paid for mine and he paid for his. We walked out and walked on the pier and went to cute stores.

The sunset was about to set so we decided to walk to the beach and watch it.
"The sunset looks really pretty", Arlo says. He then turns to me and says, "But you're way prettier" I look at him and smile. I could feel my cheeks get hot. "Thank you", I said trying not to giggle. "No problem,love. Do you mind if I kiss you?", he said. I nodded. And at that he leaned in and kissed me. I didn't quite know what to do but I eventually kissed back. We both pulled back and smiled. I was shocked. I kissed Arlo. He looks back at the sunset and holds my hand. I think I'm falling in love with him.

Dream Boy - Guy GermaineWhere stories live. Discover now