-The choice-

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     You were trembling in fear, your breath was loud and shaky. The wax of your dimly lit candle in your left hand started to drip as your right hand shakily held a sword, the one your great grandfather had given you a few hours ago and it was all covered in black blood. The sound of laughter made your heart beat faster as the dreadful sound grew closer. The small wooden cabin you were hiding in seemed to shake with the heavy footsteps on the ceiling. The spiderlike creature passed by the beating heart you were hidden in front of. Sama circled the black heart and promptly left not knowing your whereabouts. You let out a small sigh, you gently push open the wooden cabin and dash, sword in hand, towards the final heart.

     The heartbeat seemed to grow louder as you were growing more and more anxious about whether or not Sama will show up. You raised your sword and started to slice the heart piece by piece. The heart made squishing every time you slashed it, it filled you with disgust. Then you heard the sound that made you stop in your tracks. Thump Thump Thump. The sound of Sama's steps grew louder and with one final blow the heart in front of you vanishes and you hear a blood-curdling scream coming from the hideous beast. 

     You did it!

   You smile with victory, the monster is finally-. With a glance at Sama, you notice she is still moving. But you also see your parents, they were being held captive by her. You grid your teeth at the head-splitting decision. And still holding the sword and candle in hand you drop both and run to save your parents. As you reach out to touch them a sudden web shoots out and snatches you and you realized those aren't your parents.


   You start to lose consciousness as you are hung into a web, next to the monsters that were once your mother and father. Your nearly lifeless body swung in a vast black void. Where did you go wrong? Why did this happen to you... And amid your thoughts of confusion, you hear a woman's raspy voice from the darkness...

"Wonderful, another one added to my collection...Humans are so easy to deceive...," the small speech was followed by a spine-chilling chuckle. But by this point of your life, you were nearly numb to all so-called "scary things" so the laugh didn't phase you. 

   It then dawns on you... Your great-grandfather, Kusonoki had warned you about this before. And with the last bit of consciousness that you have, you start to cry...


Thank you for reading, I'll update as soon as possible ^v^

(456 words)

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