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   It has been a while since you had been hanging from the web that carried all of your ancestors. Your body had started to slowly change from your regular skin color to a blank white. You couldn't reach to touch your face but you noticed after a while your tears never stopped dripping. Your eyes had started to sting and you felt as though your body wasn't your own anymore. You were trapped in your mind, the only sounds from the outside world were your father's cough, and occasionally the monster that tricked you could be heard from the vast black void.


   After an indefinite amount of time of hanging in the void, you saw something... a butterfly? The small white spirit had a bright white glow. Your eyes followed the spirit as it fluttered closer and closer to you. You still couldn't move, but you still wanted to go and reach out to the spirit. Then it dawned on you, the idea of how a butterfly spirit entered Sama's void. The white butterfly fluttered to your immobile body and gracefully landed on your arm. The light illuminated your now white skin. Your eyes widened at the sight of your hands, the white of your skin turned into an inky black as it reached your fingertips. Were they even fingertips? They sharpened into thin points and they looked like they could pierce through anything that dared approach them. The white insect seemed unphased by the appearance of your hand and instead, it rested on your monstrous arm. 


    Your eyes frantically looked into the darkness searching for any sign of where the glowing butterfly came from. Did Sama let loose some spirits in her void? Is there another location in the void that I am unaware of? You were rapidly thinking of all the possibilities on how the butterfly spirit appeared here. You wished you could move at a time like this, but the web you were stuck to seemed to paralyze your body. You suddenly hear the alarming laughter of Sama as she approached. The butterfly immediately dimed its light to a nearly noticeable flicker as if sensing the danger of being near the entity.

"Where are they...," a voice called out. You didn't want to get caught with the friendly spirit so you tried signaling the spirit with your eyes to leave. The butterfly paid no attention to your signals of distress and instead fluttered into your hair to try and hide. A tug on the web you were attached to caused you to swing like a ragdoll into the hands of Sama. "There you are, my most prized puppet." She was in her humanoid form. Your eyes were looking around in a panic and you tried desperately to move or run away. The monster in front of you looked up and down at you, you still didn't know what you looked like completely since the butterfly only illuminated your arm. You could only imagine what the rest of your body looked like. "You were so hard to capture, but in the end, you fell into my trap...," she paused briefly to see your reaction "Oh, right, you can't move... Anyways, there is another human in your family that is causing trouble. They are like you and have not been affected by the curse and I will send you out to try and stop them..." And with that, the web unattached itself from you and you began to fall into the void. Your vision slowly turned to black and you lost consciousness, the last thing you saw was the white glow of the butterfly spirit as it entered your line of sight.

OH NO...

(628 words!)

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