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I was walking around the abandoned school, my footsteps creating a soft tapping sound as I explored the corridors. It was very dark, and I was only carrying a flashlight and a key I had used previously. I was searching for a door to continue to the next part of this world. I was on high alert, my heartbeat rapidly in my chest. I knew there could be one of Sama's monsters nearby, and I didn't want to die just yet. The rusty lockers squeaked when I touched them, abandoned backpacks were scattered everywhere. It has been at least two days since my encounter with the kind monster.

During my travels I have encountered a bit more monsters, I have been to a hotel, the imperial palace, a giant prison-looking thing, oh and my house. I shuddered at the thought of going through the skull maze again. I haven't slept in a while. People can't tell if it is day or night down here, so usually whenever I feel tired I take a nap around a location I know is safe. Once I had to fall asleep in a house in the middle of a black swamp with a monster outside, I think his name was Mariachi. Wait- I'm going off the topic. I'm trying to look for a key I think since I am back at the place where I spent my first day (Chapter 1), and the door to the next part is locked. And I wasn't going to bother checking a new building that appeared since it was kinda sketchy.

I was about to check inside a locker when I noticed a white, glowing butterfly fluttering across the end of the hall. I rubbed my eyes with my grey hoodie, usually, the butterflies didn't move on their own. At least not around me. So I dropped the idea of opening the locker and went to investigate. This feels like a horror movie. Then a sudden thought crossed my mind. Is it who I think it is?

I turned my head around the corner of the hallway and was met with a sudden thud. I shut my eyes and screamed. The noise caught me completely off guard. I slowly opened my eyes, half expecting who I was about to be met with.

"You!" I whisper shouted, pointing a finger at the black and white humanoid. It was faced down and was laying on the floor as if it had tripped. I have met this monster before, it asked me for help with its butterfly friend. It was nice and didn't harm me, but I still wasn't sure if this monster was them or not. The lifted its head, it had two black dripping eyes with two white pupils staring back at me. It didn't have a mouth. The butterfly I had seen popped out of its hair and fluttered gracefully to me, it landed on the arm I was holding the flashlight with. Then a second black butterfly I had never seen before seemed to appear out of thin air and landed next to the white butterfly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, not knowing if it could even understand me. I sat up, even when sitting the monster was still taller than me. It shrugged its shoulders, So it can understand me... I already knew it couldn't speak because of the no mouth thing so I was limited with the questions I could ask. The humanoid sat there blinking as if waiting for something...

"Did you find a new friend?" I asked, pointing towards the black butterfly. The monster seemed to be thinking for a second before nodding excitedly.

"Were you following me?" It nodded once more. Kinda creepy...It then pointed at my flashlight. Does it even know what it is? It then pulled out a lantern. Where did it even come from??? It nudged the lantern towards me, I took it from its hands? It somehow lit up when I held it. It had a warm orange glow and was a bit brighter than my flashlight.

"Oh! Thank y-," The sound of a locker falling cut me off. I whirled my head around to check what it was. There was to be nothing to be found, I turned back to face the kind monster but they disappeared! I looked down at my arm to check if the butterflies were still there, nothing. Am I going insane? But I still had the lantern...weird...

I continued on my way, knowing that they might show up again. I would soon be met with another monster, but I didn't know that at the time. I didn't know what I was about to go up against, and that I didn't know I might have to fight my new friend.


(798 words) :O

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