_Key Two_

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I have no idea if my writing skill got worse or better but I'll let you guys be the judge of that...

And I am back! Enjoy this chapter :>


I looked around the safehouse, I scanned the floor that was in front of me, checking every inch to make sure a key wasn't anywhere...Nothing. I had to keep on moving if I wanted to be able to do this quickly, and without dying. I felt my arm weaken from all the lantern holding. I figured I'd wait for my friend to pass and then go the opposite direction so I decided to sit down. 

"Hmm...I wonder how my friends are doing..." I asked myself. This whole thing was started by me searching for them... I think I should have just let the police deal with that... My thoughts were interrupted by the sight of my friend passing in front of the safe house and leaving as quickly as they came. I got up and ran after them, while still keeping an eye out for any keys in the process. 

The cold atmosphere of the cave I appeared in sent a chill down my spine, and now and then I would hear a drip of water splash down somewhere. The soft tapping of my shoes stepping on rock echoed throughout the cave as well as the crying. The rocks scattered all over the floor made finding a key as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack. But I wasn't going to give up on my friend, not yet, not ever. 

Then I heard it...


I looked down and saw a key!

Then I heard that...


My heart sank, I forgot to keep an eye out for a safe house. I snatched the keep off the ground and ran away from the crying but it kept getting closer. My heart started to race as I frantically checked every wall around me for a door, or even an outline of one...nothing. I looked back to see how close they were. They were a few feet away but I started feeling tired from sprinting.

No No No... just a little further...

I took a sharp left and was met with a safe house, I pushed the door open and turned around. They got close enough for me to insert my second key, another loud clunk indicated that I had got another padlock off and I threw myself inside the safe house.

How do I keep getting into so many close calls...

My friend seemed to not be able to see me as soon as I entered the safe house. I sighed with relief. Two done, one left. I was about to step out to look for another key when I heard something that made my heart drop to my knees and made the butterfly stop shimmering altogether-

Did I just hear Sama laugh?

"D...Did you just hear that butterfly?" I sputtered out. I wasn't expecting an answer but it started fluttering up and down rapidly. "Was that a yes?" I stared at the butterfly...Could it understand me, or am I finally going insane? It fluttered up and down again. I stood there dumbfounded and almost forgot what I had just heard. Almost.

Another laugh

Hearing it a second time snapped me back into focus as I realized what it meant if that was her. Oh no. I felt my face go pale, and the butterfly went completely dark for a second. If it really was her that meant I had to face two different monsters at once.

"I think I should try and go to sleep and deal with this later..." I said, definitely not ready to deal with this right now. I sat down in the farthest corner away from the door and laid down on my backpack, with the butterfly next to me. And the drowsiness seeped into my eyes as I heard a laugh in the distance...


(651 words) 

See you guys next chapter! ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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