Summary: Hanagaki Takemichi, shares his past to his members to why he decided to given in to darkness at a young age... especially at eight years old...
Newsflash: Hanagaki Takemichi once again went on a rampage, massacring over three families. Then his paper reasons again are; traitors, they abandoned me.
The said families are, Sano, Tachibana and Matsuno.
The paper seemed to be at the abdomen stapled on Mr. Sano Manjiro. The second paper are at the head of Mr. Tachibana Naoto's head, stapled also. Then for Mr. Matsuno Chifuyu, is given a full seven bullets shot on his face, making it unrecognizable, the paper clues are at his hands.
They are trying to investigate this more.
Yet there is still no clue about this criminal that seemed to be related to his little paper reasons...
Back at it again to a litte showbiz....He is in the news again, in his black soft couch, watching things go down. Watching how the investigators or detectives have yet to take the little paper clues or reasons that he left.
{His appearance are at the picture above. Credts, I got it at pinterest... I searched mauled Takemichi, that's what it showed. No tattoos tho... just a dragon tattoo at his side neck, like that one fanart after Drakens plopped in the manga, that one fanart that came out. '_' }
His very skinny self is wanting to be fed, with nutrition and vitamins, but he only smokes. He is now chugging down at least four pills for his own.
Being a murderer himself is nothing more than being abandoned and betrayed.
Traitors must die, they don't deserve an inch to live. They must rot."Hey Sanzu, Koko, Kakucho, Ran, Rin."
"Boss.. are you finally gonna tell us what your past is? We've been waiting."
-Sanzu who is waiting, also for the rest of them.
Though Kakucho knows barely of it, he just knows that he killed him."Yeah. Listen carefully..."
But... what even happened?
Let's go back twenty years ago. Back when.. he suffered it all.{We will use a narrating perspective, since Takemichi is telling the story, he'll refer himself as 'the black haired kid'.}
Flashbacks Eighteen Years Ago
A six years old kid is just in front of their porch, waiting for his father to arrive... and his mother, who he have been waiting for.. four years.
A messy black haired kid, with a bright dull blue eyes. Waiting for his father to arrived, he's been assigned to do this everytime he goes back from home.
Now he is in for another beating. A tall long haired male, with a beard on his face, and even a blue eyes just like the kid. Then in the door, he dragged an emotionless kid with him inside.
Their place is really run-down, so no one is... brave enough to help the poor kid that is getting dragged.
As they are inside the house, he started getting beaten up, more on getting hit in abdomen. That's when he knew, his father is extra mad. The kid started showing emotions, he started to cry.
TokRev ||One Shots||
KurzgeschichtenTokyo Revengers One Shot where.. I hurt you, make you happy, make you cry then laugh. And make you deadass unable to cry again. This includes mostly being gay for Takemichi or TakeHina (←canon ship) Gay/Het/Harem Some are 15+ Since I simp for Takemi...