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As I was working on my paperwork I heard a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I said knowing it's probably Sebastian. "My lord, I wanted to announce that the doll arrived. She is in her room. Once she settles in I will bring her to the dining room." He didn't open the door just spoke loud enough for me to hear. "Alright. Come after me when she finishes. You may return to your work." He walked away.

Violet Pov.

I finished putting away my stuff and pressed the call button, waiting outside the door for Sebastian . Within minutes he was at my door. "I am ready for lunch, Sebastian."

"Follow me Violet. The dining room is this way." He said while turning his back and walking to what I suppose would be the dining room.

Arriving there I was met with a large room that had a long table in the middle accompanied with many chairs and a fireplace. Sebastian took out a chair for me to sit down on. "I'm going to get the young master. After that I will serve lunch" he said and then he walked out of the room.

Later a young boy in a green outfit walked into the room followed by Sebastian and what I suppose are the rest of the servants. I get up from my chair and bow. "I will travel anywhere to meet your request. I am an Auto Memory-Doll. Violet Evergarden at your service. Please call me Violet." The boy looked quite weird. Most boys his age dont wear such formal clothes from what I saw in my brief travels through the city. He also seemed to have a straight face, the one I've seen on many soldiers.

"Hello Violet I am The head of the Phantomhive family, Ciel Phantomhive. These are my servants, the head maid: Mey-Rin, the gardener: Fininan or Finny, the head cook: Bardroy or Bard and the other butler: Tanaka. I'm sure you have already met Sebastian." He introduced himself and his servants, each one doing their own little bow as he said their names. Then he sat down on the chair at the head of the table, not far from me.

"For today's lunch we have something inspired by the Leidenschaftlich cuisine, consisting of vegetable soup, fish with mashed potatoes, lettuce and tomatoes (picture above). For a beverage we have chamomile tea or some plain water." Sebastian said while putting the dishes in front of us. A few moments later Ciel broke the silence.

"So Violet, when would you please start writing? I'm not sure if the request specified what I wanted to be written as I requested one from the post office and you seem to be one from a private company." He was looking at me with that same bland expression he wore until now. "No, I wasn't informed of what I was supposed to write as in transport one page was lost. I did get the other information along with the pictures. As for when we should start writing is up to you. Any time fits for me, I am quite used to working long nights without breaks. And what should I address you as, sir?"

The boy seemed to be taken aback by my statements. "Well you can address me however you want. We can start on those letters tomorrow after lunch. I have some business to take care of today in the city, so I won't be here for dinner."

"Would it be alright if I call you young master asswell?" I asked. "Yes, that would be fine." There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again.

"Have you ever wielded a weapon before?" Without hesitation I replied. "Yes, my former job was an active soldier under Major Gilbert Bougainvilleas orders. I was dubbed Gilbert's tool." All the eyes in the room were now staring at me. Everyone had wide eyes and an open mouth. "About a year ago I participated in the decisive battle of the recent war after which I was put under former colonel Hodgins' care until I receive the majors' next orders. Currently I am working as an auto memory doll."

"Oh my god that sounds bad, yes it does!" said May-Rin who was starting to tear up a bit. Soon all the servants were rushing towards me. I didn't understand why so I simply stood there. "OH MY GOD THAT'S SO SAD!" Cried Finnian. "I don't think I ever saw a woman on the battlefield, nonetheless such a young one. How old are you?" Asked Bard, he seemed to have fought in a war. " I do not know my exact age but people around told me i'm about 14 years of age."

They squeezed me harder. The chef seemed to have this look in his eyes like the one the major gave me when we were on the field. "That is absolutely horrible Violet. I hope you can tell us if you are made uncomfortable by anything in this manor." Said Sebastian with a polite smile.

"Ehem, can you get off Violet so she can finish her lunch?" The servants all scrambled to get off me. The rest of the lunch was silent, save for Sebestian explaining a dish or the occasional shuffle of clothes from the servants who had their eyes on me. They had this look in them... I couldn't place it but I feel I've seen it before.

After lunch the young master and I discussed when and where we'd be writing the letters and settled down for every day after lunch in his study for about 2-3 hours. After that I retired to my room for the rest of the day seeing as it was around 18:00 (6 pm) when we finished.

Next chapter: What was that noise?

A/N: I'm going to try and update every 2 weeks but I'll se how that goes as I've got school and right now I do have a 2 week vacation but my class might have online school, I really hope not and my motivation can be as scarce as snow in the desert eh even so I'll try my best to update as soon as I can.

Edit: Corected some grammar mistakes

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