The realization

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Ciel pov

Booming laughter that shook the parlor could be heard from inside. I took that as my sign to walk back in. "Ah, my lord this butler of yours could honestly be a stand up comedian."

"Undertaker, do you have any information on the case?" I asked, disregarding his earlier comment. " Ah yes. Some women that I received this week all had mechanical prosthetics or some part missing. They were all stabbed multiple times in different places, like they didn't go down without a fight." Mechanical prosthetics? I suppose that is what Violet has for arms..... children of military personnel of higher status that proved themselves in the last war..... noble women...... arrived via boat in London......

3rd person pov

Ciel's eyes suddenly widened as he was thinking. "SEBASTIAN WE HAVE TO HURRY HOME." He yelled to his butler while running out the door. "GOOD BYE UNDERTAKER. THANKS FOR THE INFORMATION" He yelled looking back at where the Undertaker was looking towards him and his butler were running. "Anytime, my lord."

Ciel and his butler were now rushing towards the manor. "Sebastian you go ahead I'll take the carriage. Make sure Violet is safe. That's an order." The young boy said in a stern voice. "And if you can capture No Face. Don't kill him. I have some questions for them." Sebastian bowed down and put a hand over his heart "Yes, my lord." The demon's eyes flashed a bright red then he was off.

Violet Pov

I was suddenly woken up by a sharp pain in my shoulder. I shot up and swung my hand towards the attacker in reflex. They were startled and fell off the bed. I immediately ran for my weapon that was hidden in the back of the closet. It was a specially sharpened knife but it did the job and that's what matters. I took it in my hand and stood in a defencive stance. I saw that the door was wide open. So that's how they entered my room.

"You bitch...'' A voice came from the dark where I could see a figure starting to get up. "I am amazed you can still try and up a fight even after I've stabbed you" They shot up after me swingin their own knife. I swiftly doged all their blows, though there were some close calls with my slower movements than before as I'm not used to fighting with these arms and the wound on my shoulder steadly bleeding out without any sign of stopping soon. I'll have to get away before the blood loss makes itself known. I run out the door not making much noise hoping that the attacker won't follow me.

I found a closed door of a supply closet so I quickly hid behind it. On the floor there was surely a trail of my blood but if they don't light a candle they won't be able to easily find me. I stay with my back against the door, panting slightly. I put my opposite hand to my shoulder to try and stop the bleeding.

"Where are you ya little brat?" Asked a voice from the hallway. I tried and made no sound as I leaned against the hardwood. "Well tonight you are lucky I don't have any more time to play around as I've got business. Ah what a shame though you would have looked amazing drenched in red."

Soon after the person spoke I heard a pair of footsteps leave, then a window shattering.

A/N: I hope the action scene was understandable and believable as I've never had to write an action scene. The closest I have gotten was a disney style story(think of an AU of Rapunzel where the villain is a witch that hides in the hollow of a tree that is actually a portal to a secret underground house) that had a very easy fight scene and was in a totally different language. Tomorrow I'm going back to school so my update schedule will be unpredictable, but at least every 2 weeks I will have an update.

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