What was that noise?

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Ciel Pov

"SEBASTIAN!" I yelled after my butler. " IS THE CARRIAGE READY?" The demon appeared in front of me. "Yes, my lord. It's waiting outside." I nodded then we exited the manor.

"Do you have any new intel on the murderer?" I said while getting in the carriage. "Yes." He gave the driver the sign that he could start heading towards the town after he himself got in. "Their victims are all noble women or noble girls of age who are children or adopted by successful captains, lithuanians and generals that proved themselves during the last war. Though it didn't seem to matter if the father was alive or not. He always killed them the night that they arrived in London. There wasn't any similarity in the ideals or looks of the women. They are calling him 'No Face'".

"That is some useful information. I should suppose you already interrogated the families of the women and didn't find any more information." The butler nodded. " So then let's go pay a visit to him. See if he noticed anything in particular in the way they were killed if he received any of the bodies." The rest of the ride towards the city was quiet.

The driver left us in front of the shop. The funeral parlor looked as it always looked with a few coffins outside, the brown walls, over the top door and the ancient sigh. We entered the shop only to find it empty.

"Hehehehe. My lord, what a surprise! What brings you here at this hour? Do I have the pleasure of selling you one of me coffins?" Echoed his voice throughout the parlor. He slowly opened one of the standing coffins and stepped out. He was holding some dog biscuits in some weird bowl. "Hello to you too Undertaker. I am here to ask if you received any weird bodies."

He walked towards the counter. He leaned on it while grinning. "Yes, I did receive some ladies that were quite strange. This is about No Face right? This is all I could say without payment. Hihihi"

"Sebastian. Do your thing. I'll be outside." I turned my back and started walking, hearing a 'yes my lord' in the background.

Violet Pov

I was walking out the bathroom when I saw the carriage leave, taking the young master and Sebastian. I wonder what a child has to do this late at night in the city?

Now that I am not in a rush to put away my stuff I noticed how my room looked, like a true noble's guest bedroom with a lavish soft king sized bed with silk covers in the middle of the wall right of the door, floor covered in expensive carpet that has a complicated design. Next to the bed are two bedside tables, and on the left of the door there is the door to the private bathroom and to the left of that there is the dresser and one set of drawers. On the opposite side of the door are five large windows under which a desk and chair reside. There were a few paintings also hung up above the bed and around the door. (picture above)

The room itself had a nice view of London and the forest separating the busy city from the manor as well as the garden. I stood admiring the view a little longer then moved to take out my typewriter.

I stood looking out the window as I slowly started to type my daily rapport. But this time instead of giving it to president Hodgins or sending it to the major, no this time I'm saving keeping them. As I took a short break to think, I heard a sinister sound outside, looking at the direction of the sound I found nothing..... Strange.I start writing again but more quietly than before hoping that whatever made the sound was just a wild animal lurking in the woods, though I feel like something is still watching me.....

After I finish my report I go to bed. It doesn't take long before i feal myself slipping into unconsciousness.

???? Pov

"Hello, is this xxx? It's ...."

"Yes! It's been a long time since you called. What's up?"

"Well I have an offer for you..."

Next Chapter: The realization

A/N Sorry for the triple cliffhanger. But I wanted to set up a couple things for the future so I could thread the other anime in the story line like they are from the same universe, which is harder than it sounds. Not to mention I've got a lot of homework.

 Not to mention I've got a lot of homework

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