The Doctor

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Violet Pov

The next few days were quite normal.  Every day was the same. Wake up. Eat breakfast. Write a page in my jurnal.. Eat lunch. Write the invitations. Retire to my room and go to bed. With no more attacks to note of.

Today was different.  

"Violet, will it be fine if we write the letters after breakfast today? I'll be investigating the killer that attacked you. I'd like that you'd come with me. Not to risk another accident." The young earl sitting across from me said while eating his breakfast.

"Yes. I'd be fine. I didn't have plans for today anyway." I said before stuffing my mouth full of the omelet with cheese and salami sandwich that Sebastian had prepared. 

So right after breakfast I headed to the study. I was almost finished with most the invitations. I only had a few more to write. In two days I was supposed to send them out so I might be able to leave a day early.

This writing session was no different than any other. We were working on our individual tasks in peace and quiet. The silence only broken by me when I'd ask the young master if a letter was fine and if I could add it to the completed pile or by the quiet sound of my typewriter and his pen. 

Time passed without us noticing, only realizing how much time passed it was when Sebastian came in to tell us lunch was ready. Which was normal like usual. Afterward I went to my room so that I can put up my hair and make sure that I am dressed properly. 

When I was ready Sebastian came after me. We walked to the front of the manor where carige was already waiting for us, with Ciel inside. I took a seat opposite Ciel in the carriage while Sebastian was sitting in the driver's seat.

The young master was telling me about the murderer, thinking that I could help him figure out a few more things. What he gathered seemed correct and I didn't spot anything interesting while fighting them, the only new information I had for him was that they seemed to be very experienced in fighting and seemed to have a grudge against Liden.   

We soon arrived in the town center. "We will need to stop by my Madam Red's house to check up on your wound, she is a doctor as well as my aunt, after that we will head to the person we believe will be the next victim." Said Ciel while he started to weave through the crowd of the London street.

We soon arrived at a big, well kept red mansion. Ciel walked up to the door and knocked. As we waited for someone to answer I looked around at the splendid garden, there were quite a lot of red tulips and roses scattered around. 

As the door opened a tall young man, around his early 20s with long brown hair  opened the door. He was wearing a nice suit and -is that bandage moving on his arm?  " Ah you must be the guests Madame was expecting. I am her butler, Xie Lian. C'mon in. Madam is in her office." The butler stepped back as he spoke, then as he finished he motioned his hand for us to follow him. 

As we entered the red house I was surprised to find so much red inside too. The white wallpaper had some red geometric patterns on it, the floor was made out of redwood, covered in a warm-toned rug. The furniture was mainly white with many different shades of red and warm colored accents.

As we walked Ciel and Xie Lian exchanged a few sentences, nothing too interesting or to note of.

We arrived in front of a tall red door. Xie Lian knocked on the door. "Who's there?"

"Madame Red I brought the doll I hired to the check up." Ciel responded. "Ah dear Ciel, come in. My hands are a bit dirty and I can't open it up. Xie Lian open the door for them." 

The butler opened the door for us and we entered the room which resembled a hospital room, though this one didn't have as many machines. 

"Hello my dear nephew! How are you doing?" Madam Red said as she washed her hands in the nearby sink. "And you young lady must be Violet Evergarden right? I heard quite a lot about you from my colleagues at the hospital you were treated at. Please take a seat on the bed, I'll inspect your wound in a second. Ciel, dearie, please wait outside until I finish the consultation." She continued as she turned around to find a couple of things in her cabinets.

Third Pov

"This is such a pain!" Ciel said while letting out a stressed out sigh, he couldn't figure out who No Face was and Sebastian was coming up empty handed as well- and the paperwork he had to do for the injury Violet has sustained was not doing anything to lessen the stress. Even if he had not found anything he was starting to think that the american mafia group was causing trouble in Europe- well everywhere but Russia and France. He suspected that the mafia group as it had shown dislike in America allying themselves  with Leiden- they were extremely mad over the fact that Japan was also allied with Leiden. So it was possible that now they were targeting the loved ones of the winers.

The young  boy was starting to feel like his head would explode from this case-he even considered asking for help from the Armed Detective Agency from Japan- they did owe him a favor after he captured the Russian spy they were tasked to find and capture. 

Ciel sat down on the divan that was situated next to the room closing his eyes and willing himself to think about something else rather than the case that was giving him headaches.


What? Is this an update after disappearing for like a month!?!?!? In all truth, after the holidays I had a lot of work- who in their right mind gives students 3 400 page books to read in a month, like by next week I have to finish The story of Genji (about 400k words) thank god I like the book. I've also been reading MXTX's novels but that is not really important- the worse thing is the constant 150+ words writing assignments that keep me from writing bc of the constant ~~~B~U~R~N~~O~U~T~~~ of my creative juice couse you can only write about so many childhood stories that never happened until you start to go crazy. Due to fucking putin (srs his name is like the romanian word for small(putin)!) I now also have to make sure I keep the class under control. Why me? Idk all my classmates find me comforting( my bff calles me ne-san bc Daki, I'm the youngest in the friend group) so yeah.

But I do hape my schedual will setle down so I can fucking make time to even sleep as it's luxuary if I sleep more than 5hrs, all my friends were schoked when I actually maneged to rest and came in calm (when I don't get sleep I am like a s1-2 Hange)

Other than what I already listed I also figured out I'm a  hard kinnie of Xie Lian, only missing a hot devoted man. But I think the next update will be me posting the link for the site- only have to add pictures and links as well as refine the phone version.

Sorry if Sebas-chan was a bit OCC kinda mistook him for Yin Yu ( Tgcf) in some scenarios as well as I replaced Grell bc if I remeber corectly he was a new hire when we met Maddam Red in the anime.


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