Valiant (Y/n)

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I woke up for the second time in the past twelve hours. My blankets were everywhere except on my cool body. Merlin wasn't there when I woke up in the middle of the night, but was back. I sighed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. After another moment, I got up slowly and went through my morning routine. Taking time to go through the images of my vision again and trying to connect dots. It was still vivid. Snakes, a yellow shield, at least two knights. The dots didn't make sense. They never did.

"What does it mean?" I muttered, annoyed.

This vision seemed to be eerily similar to the last; I was not eager for our next adventure to begin. I was avoiding killing anyone again; I understood that my destiny was not going to make that easy.

I walked out to our kitchen area and began making breakfast. Merlin came out a few moments before I had finished the porridge.

"Could you help me with my armor today?" He asked before yawning.

"Yeah, there's a book on it somewhere in here."

We finished breakfast and Merlin left, explaining he would be back after getting some armor from the royal servants quarters or something similar to that. I washed the dishes with magic and spent time looking for the book instead. I found a book, and what page we needed. He came back not long after and dropped the armor on a once clear table.

"Did you find a book?"

I responded in the positive and carried it over to him, still on the page. We probably spent half of an hours time getting everything in the correct places. He was to meet Arthur in the woods in twice that time and left early to get weapons sorted. His main job for today was to help Arthur train for the tournament tomorrow.

I stayed at home all morning and read about remedies for soreness, as I guessed Merlin would be. Merlin came back for lunch and I gave him tea that would help his present state. I made myself a cup too, and fused magic into the leaves.

That afternoon I had to go get some herbs for Gaius. I was able to get the first one in the market but I would have to find the rest in the woods outside the city. I accidentally stumbled upon Merlin and Arthur with only a few left to find. I took mental notes on everything that they were doing. Arthur yelled where he was going to hit before; it seemed as if Arthur was training Merlin and not the other way around.

I had to leave at some point, knowing Gaius would be worried if I didn't get back before dark. I set the herbs down and got them all in the correct places before grabbing the book about sword-play, tournaments, and armor that I had read earlier that day and I took a few notes. We needed to be able to escape future situations alive.

Merlin returned as I expected and I finished supper shortly after. Gaius had made him stay at the table while I washed dishes and he inquired how Merlins day had gone.

"It was horrible," he groaned, "I've still got to learn all about tournament etiquette by the morning."

I glanced at the book I had been reading and it flew in front of him.

"Y/n! What have I told you about doing magic like that," Gaius scolded.

"It's the book from this morning. I think chapter seven would be of interest."

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