Riven | Can't Be Friends

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A/N: This is part 2 of Training Session.


To say you were avoiding Riven was a misunderstanding. It just happened that you busied yourself so that you had no time left to talk to him or train with him or even steal a glance at him. You did your best to make it look unintentional and for that, you owed Sam a big thank you. He occupied a big part of your new daily routine and neither of you minded. You became three times more confident in your knowledge in under a week thanks to his guidance and long study sessions. You got closer to Sam these days, spending time together whenever you could and not only in the scheduled hours to study. Not only was he very smart but he was also fun and nice to be around. You couldn't deny that he was attractive too. But you didn't have feelings for him.

"Y/N! If I pair you with Riven, think you can try to not kill each other this time?" Silva asked looking at you with his arms crossed.

"No promises, Headmaster."

Riven was already in the ring on the pond and tried to help you up, but you ignored his extended arm and jumped up on your own. You got into position and waited for Silva to signal the start of the match. As soon as he nodded, you stepped forward and swung your right fist. Riven blocked it but he wasn't ready for your left, which hit him right on the cheek.

"Are you trying to break my nose again?"

"It was just a small nosebleed. Stop exaggerating," you huffed and punched again.

"Why are you so mad at me?" He genuinely looked confused, "You've been avoiding me."

"I am not avoiding you, I just have lots of better things to do," you answered.

"Like spending time with that boring fairy?"

"Sam is not boring," you attacked him with a few punches and a kick but he stopped each one of them, "And he respects me".

"What's that supposed to mean?"

While he was thinking, you took the opportunity to charge at him. You knocked him to the ground. He tried to roll around and pin you down but you started punching his face. So he had to protect it. You threw punch after punch until you were breathless and your eyes blurred. When you realized it was because of tears you stood abruptly and turned to run away. But Riven was faster. He caught your arm, confused by your behavior. You turned and pushed his chest hard, making him step back and fall into the pond. But as he didn't let go of you, he pulled you down with him.

"What the fuck, Y/n!"

You tried to pull away from him, to turn your face so he couldn't see your red eyes.

"Why are you crying? Are you hurt?" Riven asked and it only made you want to cry harder.

"I'm not crying," you got up, "You pulled me into the pond."

"Because you pushed me!" He followed you, "What's your problem with me?"

"Just leave me alone, Riven," you huffed.

"Not until you tell me what I did to deserve your cold shoulder."

"You treated me like a whore, that's what you did. And if that is all that I am to you, then go fuck yourself!"

You walked away, leaving a dumbfounded Riven behind. It was two days later that he tried to approach you. You were with Sam in the cafeteria and you were laughing when Riven asked if he could talk to you alone. You declined and when he insisted, Sam interfered.

"I believe she said she doesn't want to talk to you, so I suggest you leave before I make you."

"Stay out of this!" Riven slammed his hands on the table, causing some heads to turn toward the three of you.

"This is my last warning," Sam got up, "Leave."

"Guys, let's not make a scene," you felt your cheeks heat up, "People are looking."

But the boys ignored you as they stood face to face. Riven was clenching his fist and you worried about Sam. You quickly got in between them, while Riven spat some insults at the fairy. You put your hands on their chests and pushed them apart.

"Riven," you chastised. Then you looked at Sam, "It's okay, I'll talk to him."

"Will you be fine?" He asked as the green in his eyes dimmed.

You just nodded and followed Riven to the garden.

"It had to be your way, didn't it?" You crossed your arms over your chest.

"Yes, because you're stubborn and won't talk to me."

"Because I don't talk to people who treat me like shit."

"I'm sorry for whatever I did, you know sometimes I say stupid things."

"You humiliated me in front of our classmates!" You threw your hands in the air, "I was going to beg you to fuck me? Like I'm some slut! That wasn't stupid, that was disrespectful and it hurt me. Especially that it came from you."

"I didn't mean it like that," he shook his head, "I—"

"You what?!" You were so sick of this conversation, "I can't be friends with you anymore."

"No, we can't," he agreed.

"Wait, what? That's it?" You couldn't believe the nerve of this boy, "You bothered me so you could tell me this? Couldn't you just leave me alone?"

"Let me finish, y/n," he stepped towards you, "I can't be your friend because you're hot and I'm a guy and I like what I see. I can't be your friend because I can't support you when you go out with some guy. Because I don't want to hear that you're falling in love with someone else." He pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and his hand lingered on your neck, "I can't be your friend when you shiver like that to my touch. Or when your breath hitches at my closeness," he was describing the effect he had on you right now," Or when you close your eyes as I lean in to kiss you."

All the rage and disappointment you had in you disappeared when his lips touched yours. It was unexpected to kiss him like this, slow and tender. You expected it to be rough since it was Riven you were talking about. But he was taking it slow afraid of scaring you away or saying the wrong things again.

"We can't be friends when we have feelings for each other."

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