Sam | Beside Me

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"I'll see you at the party tonight?" Sam mumbled over your lips.

"Yes," you pecked him and pulled away, "I promised your sister I'll help her get ready."

You tried walking away but he pulled you back in for another kiss. You groaned but still kissed him back. His hands started wandering closer to your bum so you pushed him away and slapped his shoulder playfully.

"Now I can let you go."

You entered the suit to find clothes and shoes scattered everywhere.

"Terra is sad and disappointed in you," Muse said while passing by with some makeup tools.

You hurried to the bathroom where the earth fairy was admiring her makeup. When she saw you, her eyebrows furrowed for a second, "You're late".

"It's your brother's fault," you raised your hands in surrender, "I'm here now and we still have lots of time but I see you're almost ready."

"Musa did my makeup. I still need help choosing what to wear."

The two of you have been good friends since you started going out with Sam last year. She was such a nice person, it was impossible not to get along with her. Actually, it was very easy because she always agreed with you. You guessed that she liked, maybe even admired, you. Sometimes she could be too much but it wasn't anything you couldn't handle. After you helped her choose her outfit, you started getting ready yourself. You put on a dress that was easy to take off because you knew you'd be spending the night with your boyfriend. When you finished, the others were already waiting for you.  At the party, the group split up. You grabbed a beer with Bloom and Aisha before spotting Sam talking to Musa and his sister. You went over and kissed his cheek.

"Hello, beautiful," he kissed your temple while putting an arm around your waist.

"Y/n," Terra started, "Thank God you're here. Now take him away! He's being an ass."

"Stop messing with your sister," you grabbed his hand, "Come dance with me!"

You made your way to the dancefloor and started dancing with him but soon he left so he could grab a drink for the both of you. You were dancing on your own but after a while you got tired. You made your way to the earth fairy, just not the sibling you were actually looking for.

"Have you seen your brother? He went to get us drinks but hasn't come back."

She shook her head. 

"Well, if you do, tell him I'm outside. I need some air."

You walked through the sea of bodies until you reached the garden and breathed a big gulp of fresh air. It's not that you didn't like the party, you just wanted to be in the arms of your lover.

"Why are you lonely, pretty girl?"

As he approached you, you glared at him, "Leave me alone, Riven."

"What kind of gentleman would I be if I let a lovely damsel alone in the night?" He stopped in front of you.

"You are no gentleman," you crossed your arms over your chest but as soon as you saw his eyes flicker down to the swell of your breasts, you uncrossed them.

"I saw your boyfriend getting cozy with your roommate," he blew a puff of smoke in your face, "The mind fairy. I thought you should know."

"Give me that!" You grabbed the cigarette from him and dragged a big puff. You weren't a smoker but you wanted something to distract you. The news of Sam's whereabouts didn't sit right with you. He had been gone for more than half an hour. And when you thought back to Musa's mystery crush, you realized that it could have been your Sam. You knew neither would do anything to hurt you but there was still a tiny bit of jealousy gnawing at you.

"If you keep on pouting like that," Riven licked his lips, "I might kiss you."

You looked up at him and realized how close you were. His hands were resting on the wall above you and he was staring down at your lips. You put your hands on his chest to push him away but he was suddenly yanked back.

"Get away from my girlfriend!"

Sam was standing in front of you with trembling fists by his sides. You looked past him to see Riven struggling with vines wrapped around his limbs and throat.

"Sam, no!" You looked at him with pleading eyes but his shining ones were fixated on the other boy. You tried to pry the vines from Riven's throat but Sam's anger was growing and the vines only tightened, "Sam, let him go! Please!" You rushed to your boyfriend and cupped his face, forcing him to look at you, "I'm alright; He didn't hurt me."

Sam's anger seemed to transform into sadness, "I see you rather enjoyed his company."

"Baby, no! Nothing happened. Now, let him go before you kill him."

As his fists relaxed and his eyes faded to their usual brown, the vines caging Riven retracted. He coughed a few times but left without saying much. You were still holding Sam, whose eyes were now closed.

"What is it with you Harveys and strangling Riven with vines?" You tried to lighten up the mood.

"Probably one of his kinks," he chuckled but then turned serious again, "Did he kiss you?"

"No, no! I swear he didn't touch me! Sam, I wouldn't do that to you. You know he's a flirt."

"Yeah, but he was so close to you," his hands grabbed your wrists, "It looked like you were kissing."

"The only one I want to kiss is you," you pecked his lips.

"You smoke," he gave you a puzzled look.

"I got  a little bit jealous too," you bit your lower lip, "Riven told me you were rather friendly with Musa."

It was his turn to assure you, "It was nothing. There's no girl in this world that could take your place."

You smiled, "And where is my place?"

"Beside me," he leaned closer so your foreheads touched, "Always in my heart."

You kissed and he pulled you closer. You pulled apart when you needed air.

"But do you know where your place is?" You left kisses on his throat and neck.

"I'm thinking of anywhere, as long as you're right next to me."

"Good answer," you reached his lips again, "But right now, you need to be under me in my bed."

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