Silva | Our Secret

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You were a specialist in your last year at Alfea, proudly at the top of your classes and only a few weeks away from graduation. Some said you were a teacher's pet since you were practically Headmaster Silva's favorite student. When he needed someone to show the other students how an exercise was done it was you he always picked; when he needed to put someone in their place he sent them to spar with you; when he needed help with anything you were his to go person. You worked very hard to earn his respect and you did it. Meanwhile, you developed a crush on Saul thanks to his constant praising and showing you off. Also, you thought that somehow it might be reciprocated. There were times when you would glance at him and he'd be already looking at you, or when his touches lingered longer than necessary. But it could also be only your imagination; after all, he was a teacher and you a student.

"I found it!"

You burst through the doors of Silva's office holding up the archived document he asked you to find. But you regretted instantly not knocking because there he was kissing Farrah. You stared shocked for a moment, mumbled an I'm sorry, and dropped the folder on the floor before hurrying away. You knew it was stupid because she was the obvious choice for him, but you couldn't stop the tears. You locked yourself in your room for the rest of the day, not wanting to deal with either Saul or Farrah. You wanted to skip dinner but your stomach disagreed. You tried to stay out of sight and managed to most of the time. Then he noticed you and as he approached you, you replayed the moment you caught them in your head, remembering their shocked faces as Farrah struggles to button up her shirt. So you turned on your heels and run away, literally. The next day you were in Professor's Harvey class when you heard your name through the speakers. Headmaster Dowling was requesting your immediate presence in her office. You had to drag yourself there and stopped in your tracks when you saw Silva there too.

"Come in and close the door, please," Dowling said.

You did as told but couldn't meet their eyes.

"We need to talk about what you saw yesterday."

"I didn't tell anyone if that's what you need to know. I respect your privacy and I'll keep your relationship a secret," you interrupted her, still looking at your hands.

"Thank you, y/n. If you let me explain-"

"Really, there's no need. Can I go now?"

"No, you may not," your eyes snapped toward Saul, "There's nothing between me and Farrah. I made a mistake in a moment of weakness."

"We," Dowling corrected him, "We made a mistake and we hope you can forget about our little incident. Saul and I have been friends for a long time and I think that I speak for both of us when I tell you that we've never thought about crossing that line. It happened that we were frustrated because of different reasons and I'm sure you know, sex is a great stress relief."

You hid your face in your hands. This conversation was terrible. Yes, you did know sex was great for relaxing-you too had done it a few times, but you didn't want to know about your teachers' sex life. Or better, you didn't need to know about Saul's.

"Let me make this short because you're only making it worse," he clearly sensed your distress, "Nothing ever happened between us and it won't happen. Actually, thank you for stopping what could have messed up our friendship."

"That being said, you two should finish the rest of the discussion in Saul's office," Dowling smiled kindly towards you.

You followed Saul into his office but were confused when he stopped in the middle of the room and faced you.

"I'm sorry."

"What? Headmaster Silva-"

"You know you can call me Saul when there's just the two of us," he frowned.

"Well, I think it's better that I remember the boundaries between us."

"Do you know what I was frustrated about?" He shook his head, "You."

It was your turn to frown, "Did I do something wrong? You could've asked me to fix it, whatever it was."

"There you go again," he ran his hand through his hair, "You are so nice and good at everything. I tried to find flaws in you so I could look at you the way I look at anyone else in this school. But you're so perfect that I can't stop thinking about you. And I thought I was lonely and if I had some company I could get you out of my head. So, I'm sorry I made you cry."

Wide-eyed, you mumbled, "You didn't."

"Your puffy eyes at dinner said otherwise."

You weren't sure how you were supposed to react. You were shell-shocked. If you understood correctly, Saul Silva reciprocated the feelings you had.

"I knew about your crush, and Farrah told me I'd fall for you if I don't keep my distance," he scoffed, "She even approves since you're of age. But you're still a student and I'm a teacher and technically a relationship between us is forbidden."

Saul Silva just confirmed he had feelings for you. You were over the moon.

"What if we keep it a secret?"

"Y/n," he sounded torn.

You dared do what you have been craving for a long time: you crashed your lips against his. His hands found your waist and you half expected him to push you away. Instead, he pulled your body flush to his and kissed you back. You wrapped your arms around his neck and let his tongue explore your mouth. You pulled apart when you were running short on oxygen.

"I can't wait until after your graduation to do this again," he said, slowly walking you backward until your back hit the desk, "And I like the thought of our secret."

He lifted you onto the desk and connected his lips with yours again. This time it was less needy, it was slow and sweet and you couldn't believe it was actually happening.

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