Stella | Want You

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In the aftermath of Ricki's accident, Stella and Sky broke up and Stella's powers started acting up. You were there for her every step of the way to normalcy. She was better after an entire summer of practicing and meditation with you, after all, you were an empath and could manipulate slightly other people's emotions. But as soon as you stepped back on Alfea territory you could feel her anxiety rising again.

"Deep breaths, Stel," you squeezed her shoulder, "Remember the progress you made."

During the summer you had gotten closer and the feelings you started to harbor for her startled you. She was a lot to handle sometimes but you like being the one able to tame her. And she seemed to reciprocate the feelings. It wasn't just your imagination because she was the one who often climbed into your bed at night to cuddle and she was the first to kiss you. It was all that happened between the two of you, one chaste kiss on an evening summer but it was enough to confirm it wasn't a one-sided thing. But this morning her behavior started confusing you. She held your hand all the way from home until you reached the gates of Alfea, where she abruptly pulled away. You shrugged it off, thinking it was because she didn't want anyone to see her as less powerful than she made it seem she was. You separated ways since she had to meet with a fist year student while you had to meet another student. It was easy to find Musa. She reminded you of yourself at the start of your first year: brooding and always wearing headphones. You already knew she was an empath like you, Ms. Dowling had told you so, and that is the reason you were chosen to be her mentor. You knew how difficult it was to hear everyone's thoughts and not be able to think clearly. But those days were behind you.

"So, this is the Winx suite," you told Musa after making her acquaintance and showing her a bit around, "It's where you'll live for your years at Alfea and you'll share the suite with me and other four fairies."

She nodded and chose her room. Naturally, you shared a room with Stella, and you forbade Terra from putting any flowers in there. You knew the girl from last year since she practically lived on campus and you knew about her obsession with flowers. She was an earth fairy and you tried to understand but you also needed boundaries.

"People expect me to care how I look," you heard Stella say, looking down on a redhead.

"Stella, be nice," you chastised her and extended your arm to the unknown fairy, "Y/n, nice to meet you."

"Bloom," she shook your hand, "I heard you're sharing the same room as Stella. Good luck!"

"Why are you so rude to the new girls?" You asked Stella as soon as you closed the door.

"Because I don't need new friends."

"Where are you going? I thought we were going together to the mixer."

"I need to talk to Sky first."

You frowned but nodded. They were both good people but they were toxic to each other so you didn't understand why she felt the need to see him.

"Y/n," Muse approached you and whispered, "I didn't mean to but I felt your emotions... Are you and Stella more than friends?"

"Now I get why Riven hates mind fairies," you mumbled to yourself.

You shook your head and asked if they were ready. You met all your roommates and together you went to the mixer party. Your eyes scanned the room for Stella but she was nowhere to be seen. Then you spotted Riven and made your way towards him.

"Have you seen Sky?"

"I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be looking for me, not him."

Last year Stella and Sky played matchmakers and tried to get you with Riven but you didn't catch feeling as they expected. You were good friends since you spent a lot of time together, there was lots of flirting and you couldn't deny he was handsome, but that was it.

"Actually, I'm looking for Stella and I'm pretty sure they're together."

He shook his head and told you they left the party. You stomped toward the garden, hoping they were there and not in a room locking lips. You found them in a hall, Bloom beside them. Stella was angry and if you didn't know better, you wouldn't have noticed her hands trembling.

You approached the trio hurriedly, "What's going on?"

"She's hitting on Sky!" Stella exclaimed and pointed to Bloom, who raised her hands and shook her head.

"I was just making a new friend," the redhead stated, "And I didn't know he was off limits."

She shook her head, excused herself, and left. Sky was torn between following her and scolding Stella, and in the end, he chose the second option.

"You have no right! You broke up with me!"

"Sky," you felt Stella's emotion get out of hand and tried to stop him from making it worse, "You're just aggravating the situation. Let me talk to her."

He noticed where your eyes were fixed: the glowing tips of Stella's fingers. His eyes widened momentarily then he backed away, shaking his head in disappointment. You focused on Stella's mind and sent a wave of calmness toward her. You tried to take her hands in yours but she flinched away, not wanting to hurt you with her powers. You ushered her into the suite. You checked her emotions and they were slowly soothing. You decided not to interfere again and let her sort them out.

"Are you alright?"

"Of course I am! Sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you."

"Why are you so upset? I thought you were over him. And he has a point, you know."

"You're supposed to be on my side."

"I'm on my own side," you glared, "If you're still hung up on Sky, tell me so I know where I stand."

"Y/n, you're my best friend."

"What about this summer?"

"What about it?"

"Are you kidding me? You kissed me! And now you expect me to be okay with you going back to Sky?"

"I thought we were acting like it didn't happen."

"Is that what you want?"

"I don't want to lose you. You're the only one I can trust."

"Then talk to me and tell me what is going on in your head, otherwise I'll look for answers myself."

She knew you respected her privacy but were also very capable of reading her mind. So she huffed and tried to explain.

"I like you and it scares me. I didn't know I liked girls too. But then, what if it only was because I spent so much time with you? So I thought that if I talk to Sky maybe I'll realize it was just that."

"And is it?"

"I didn't like seeing Sky with Bloom but I hated seeing you with Riven. That's when I started acting out."

"And what do you want now?"

"I want you, y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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