Ch 23:Ultima's Rage

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Ash Pov

I heard my door open and figured it was Eri or someone else in my pack, but that's were I was wrong. It was a boy about my age with pale skin, pointy ears, saber like claws, black hair with deer like antlers protruding from his head, and blood dripping from his mouth.

 It was a boy about my age with pale skin, pointy ears, saber like claws, black hair with deer like antlers protruding from his head, and blood dripping from his mouth

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Ash:Who are you? How did you get in my house and pass my maid?

He stayed quiet. I started to get pissed and let out my Demon Wolf Blade out of my arm then pointed it at his neck.

Ash (🔥):TELL ME!

He backs up slightly from the ferocity in my voice.

???:Calm yourself Ultima. I came here to invite you to The Guttural Short Circuits.

Ash:The who's with what now?

???:The Guttural Short Circuits. Come with me.

I followed him downstairs to the living room and saw my mom, aunt, and cousin on the floor. I wasn't worried about my mom because she can heal wounds easily, but here in the real world Aunt Fredda and Emma were in real danger. As for the rest of my pack they were tied and most of which were gagged.

???:My name is Nexus Myers. Leader of The Guttural Short Circuits, a group of gamers reincarnated into this world taking whatever we want, do what we want, and kill whoever we want out of my father's day to kill.

Ash (🔥):I don't care who you are. I want you out!

Nexus:Are you going to accept my invitation to The Guttural Short Circuits?

I gave a psychotic smile then chucked.

I gave a psychotic smile then chucked

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I turn my head smiling like a maniac.

Ash:Does this answer your question?

I grabbed his throat and threw him through the window.

Ash:Eri sweetie.


Ash:Make sure everyone is ok. Daddy's got business to attend to.

The Unmatched Wolf Gamer (High School DxD x OC Gamer)Where stories live. Discover now