The Forgoten Birthday

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Ginnys PVO

"Ginnerella!!!!!" Yelled my dad as I woke from my slumber. Today is going to be bad day because today was the day my mum died. I quickly ran downstairs from the dusty attic to see what I had to do today.

"Yes father?" I asked scared. "Go make breakfast then clean the house from top to bottom then make lunch than go clean the lawn than make dinner." He demanded. "Yes sir," I said, I was very glad he didn't bring up mum. I ran and started making breakfast for my brothers, luckily Bill and Charlie are at work so I don't have to make theirs. I start the bacon and eggs as the boys come down the stairs I put their plates down in front of them and start the toast. They ignore me as usual, I sigh and start to clean.

Fred and George are the only ones who acknowledge me, as they trip me as I head up the stairs. I hate this place so much. I thought when Harry came a couple of years ago things might get better but things got much worse. He treated me like I was trash. I was so excited when I got to go to Hogwarts but my brothers tormented me when I got into Slytherin. I had no friends at Hogwarts, because everyone hates Slytherins so no one ever talks to me and as for in my own house well my family are 'blood traitors' so long story short EVERYONE hates me. Its a couple days before we have to go back to Hogwarts I am not dreading it as much as I should but thats only cause Ron will be the only one of my brothers there. I finally finished cleaning the house as Fred and George came and poured slime down my back. "Ahhhhh," I screamed as it echoed in the house. They only laughed at my misery. I quckly grabed a towel and started cleaning everything up and ran to change. Than I went back and started making sandwiches for lunch. I quickly ate and ran outside to clean the gardens. After finally finishing all my chores and making dinner I run upstairs to pack for Hogwarts. I finally finish packing when I hear my name being called by dad. "GINNERALLA WEASLEY GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" I run down as fast as I can, not wanting to get on his bad side more than I usually am. "Yes Father?" I ask terified. "What do you call this?" He asks holding a peice of the chicken I made. "Dinner?" I replied confused what was wrong. "Than why does it taste like dog food?" He asks hashly, "I'm sorry sir I tried to make it from the book I did my best." I tried to reason. " Not good enough." He replied harshly. Than he slapped me aross the face. Can you beilve it he hit me. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. So I ran upstairs as fast as I could. I sat on my bed and looked at the picture of my mum. I got it when I was cleaning the basment and found an old photo album. She really was pretty. I take the picture and hug it before putting it in my beat up old trunk. I slowly fall asleep dreaming of a better life.

Hope you like my story I'm not the best writer. All credits go to J.K. Rowling. The plot is mine thats all tho. Word count 594. Please like and comment.

Ginerella Weasley(Drinny/Hinny) Where stories live. Discover now