The Plan Is In Motion

17 2 0

Dracos PVO
At Lunch

I see Pitch flying to me with a letter from my dad. I give Pitch some food an open the letter. I scan it my smirk growing as I read, my father is allowing it, he loves the idea. I send a small note to Weaselette telling her to meet me tonight. Same place same time. Tonight I will finally get the littlest Wealsey.

Hey guys I wrote this entire chapter on a plane coming back from Orlando, Harry Potter World rocks, Butterbeer is great and Ginny is still my all-time favorite character, please vote and comment, I love hearing your thoughts and if I use your idea you will be tagged, bye for now!

Word count 123

Ginerella Weasley(Drinny/Hinny) Where stories live. Discover now