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Ginnys POV

This is terrifing. I cant belive that just happened. Why did he want me to kiss him? This is gonna be bad. Maybe I should just take the punishment I'll get from my family. I look at the picture frame text to my bed. Mom please send me a sign what should I do. Nothing happens then again nothings ever happened maybe she blames me too. I just want to be happy but I hate myself for what happened but I can't bring myself to disagree with everyone for it. I should deal with the consequences of it all. I mean I can't live with someone else having something over me. Imma tell him tommorow I'm not playing his little game. I think. Ok ya thats what I'll do.

Time skip brought to you by my father will hear about this story

Dracos PVO

I wake up feeling excited. Tongight I get to hang with my little Weasley. I think I'm going make her be my girlfriend I have to talk to my father about it though to get his approval. I write him a letter telling him I have an opportunity to torcher the Weasley's possibly and have control over the youngest on our side. I make it sound like its a great deal. I go to the owlry after getting dressed and send the letter with my black owl Pitch. I head to breakfast with my normal smirk on my face. I sit next to my only real friend Blase Zebain. "Why are you so happy, man?" He asks noticing my expression. Just then little Wealsey walks in and I smile bigger. "Why you smiling like that at-no no no man you can't like her your dad would kill you." He whispered a bit horrified. "Don't worry Blaise I'm talking to him first before I do anything because I have a plan." I whispered back as I watched her sit by herself. I watch as he smirked, "Weasel would be furious he hates her andv shes in Slytherin. Seeing her date a Malfoy would be icing on the cake. Oh and you'd get to hang out with her without getting in trouble. Well she will but you just get injoy watching everything." He says picking up the pieces. "Your a genius Draco! So how are you gonna make her do it? She will never date you willingly no offense but she hates trouble you." Blaise says as my smirk grows bigger. I licked my lips. "She hexed me and last night she came to me and begged me not to tell anyone. She said she'd do anything. I told her we will discuss it later." I said filling it in. "Oh no way you got her good and you know what she is a pretty pureblood." He says smirking. "I know she is thats why I think this could be a good thing. I like her Blaise." I tell him standing up. "We should get to class." I say as Blaise stands up and we head out of the great hall.

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