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Ginnys POV

I am eating quietly on my side of the table when a letter drops in front of my plate. I grab the letter and read it quickly, it's from Malfoy. Ok this will end soon. I just will go there tonight I'll do whatever he tells me to and this nightmear will be over.

Time skip brought to you by I'm awear of how horrible this story is.

I meet him at midnight in the common room. "Hello little Weasley." I hear a voice behind me say, I turn around seeing Malfoy standing there. "Malfoy after this its done." I tell him sternly. "Oh don't worry all youve got to do is one thing. Be. My. Girlfriend. " he says to me as he backs me into a corner. This can't be happening, no I belive I'd rather be in trouble. "Come on little Weaselette don't be scared, you just have to sit with me at meals, and in the common room, go on dates with me, and do as I say, its a good deal for you." He says smirking knowing I can't escape. I look down before staring deep into his eyes, "Fine you've got yourself a deal Malfoy." I tell him I don't show fear I am a Slytherin and I will act like it. He leans down to my ear, "It's Draco to you princess," he whispers before giving me a kiss on the cheek, smirking before heading back to his dorm. I sink down against the wall I cant belive that just happend. I stand up and head to my dorm falling asleep quickly.

Ok ok ok ok ok it was bad any suggestions PLZ I NEED HELP WRITING THIS PLEASE I LOVE YOUR OPIONS

Ginerella Weasley(Drinny/Hinny) Where stories live. Discover now