Hogwarts Time

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Time Skip

Ginnys POV

Today we are going off to Hogwarts I can't wait I got up extra early and got breakfast ready. I sat in the very back after loading the car as my brother and dad get in the frontseat. We head to the station. We hop out and I grab the bags and we head onto the train. I quickly hide in a compartment so no one can find me. Unfortunately it doesn't last. Draco and his goons come in the compartment.

Dracos POV

I spotted Weaslette run into a compartment. Man did she grow up she is really pretty. I kinda felt bad for her she gets treated badly by her family. I only make fun of her cause I like her I think. I can't stand liking her what if my father found out I'd be disowned for liking a bloodtrader. Ugg this can't get out!! I follow her into the compartment, with the 2 dumbos following behind. "Hello Weaslette." I said with my signature smirk. "Go away Malfoy!" She yelled standing up reaching for her wand. But I was quicker, I had my wand at her thoat before she even had a chance. "Looking for something?" " she looks down at the wand scared. " What do you want from me Malfoy!" I just smirk and said, "Nothing you could give me loser." I turned me back to laugh with my quote unquote friends. When I turn back around theres a wand pressed against my throat. My eyes widen I never thought she had it in her. I was a bit afriad but Malfoys don't show fear especially to bloodtraders, so I just smirk. "What you gonna do with that, poke me." I mock. She glares and casts a bat boogie hex. I run out with my goons following me to get help.

Ginnys POV

I am getting in so much trouble! I can't believe I did that, I have to go make it up to him. I'll talk to him when we get in the common room. I get changed and when I'm finished the train arives so instead of going into to the great hall I go straight to the common room after getting the pasword from the one person who likes me, Professor Snape, its because I look like his lost love Lily Evans. He told me about her one day when he caught me out of bed cause I was avoiding going to the common room, cause I didn't want to be bullied. Anyways I went to my dorm, which after I got constantly bullied and several requests by the other students in the dormroom, so I unpacked quickly and waited till everyone got back from dinner. Then I hid in the stairs till everyone went to bed to my luck Draco was the only one left. I walked down slowly. "Malfoy?" I said quietly. He looked at me with a shocked look. I gulp looking down. "Umm can we talk?" I said terrified. He smirked which made me even scareder. "About what? How you brutally attacked me?." He told me. "I'm so sorry, please, forgive me I'll do anything." I begged. His smirk widened, "Anything?" He replied in a cocky tone that my knees weak. So I gave him a look and gulped. "Thats what I said." I replied cautiously. He stood up and came close and stood next to me and repeated in my ear quietly,"Anything." His cold breath tickled my skin and made me shiver as I took a step back and gulped. "Anything," I whispered. "Just don't tell anyone and get me in trouble." He smiled at me a real smile. Why was he smiling, he never smiles. "Prove it, kiss me," I look at him terrified. "B-but I-I'm a b-bloo-blood trader." I stutter out. He gives me a look and taps his pale lips, in a quick I'll meet you tomorrow in your dorm after everyone goes to bed to discuss." He said his smirk never leaving his face. He leaves leaving me stuned and questioning what I had gotten myself into.

Draco POV

I have never been so excited, I got her to kiss my cheek and have her under my control. This is gonna be perfect.

Ok sooooo how was it. I like criticism if its not to harsh. Hope you all liked it. Word count 775.

Ginerella Weasley(Drinny/Hinny) Where stories live. Discover now