Day 1

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Ginnys POV

I wake up the next morning praying that everything was a nightmare. I head down to the common room sitting in a bay window watching the sea creatures float by. After about an hour I hear people start to come down, I pay no attention to any of it until I feel 2 hands grasp my shoulders and a warm breath on my neck, "Hello princess," Mal-Draco whispered into my ear, I felt notts forming in my stomach realizing that it wasn't a nightmare but my new realty. I slowly turn around to face him, "Hello M-Draco," I say with a fake smile. He just stands there smirking. 😏 "Ready for breakfast Princess?" He asks with that stupid smirk of his. He offers his hand out to me and I reluctantly take it, he pulls me out of the window and we head to the Great Hall hand in hand.

Ok thats it for now. Finals are coming quick so I'm trying to write as much as I can now before I have to start to study.

Ginerella Weasley(Drinny/Hinny) Where stories live. Discover now