Chapter 7 "Aftermath Of Trick Or Steal"

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Gingerbrave POV

Well, most kids got arrested by almond and I now am half dragon and I have pure vanilla's staff in my hand. We're in trouble "I SHOULD'VE KNOWN WE WOULD'VE LOST MULTIPLE KIDS-" Said custard visibly angry.

"Well at least we got to do the tradition this year with all of us right?" I said "Good point-" said custard since we, strawberry, Wizard and onion were the last kids not arrested. "G-g- g- gumball sh- s- shouldn't h- h- have D- D- D- drawn o- o- on v- va- vampire's h- h- House.." strawberry stuttered.

"Yea, Who knew vampire would've been awake at midnight? And also sober..." Said wizard cookie "Also, ginger how'd you get pure vanilla's staff?" He asked "I may have stolen it-" I said having onion asleep on my head. "Wait shouldn't angel be here?" Custard asked.

"They got caught watching almond sleep." I said, "Well at least we're still here and ginger somehow got pure vanilla's staff so he's cool" said wizard cookie causing me to be abit flustered. "T- T- thanks-" I said and wizard also became flustered when he Realized what he said.

"So you kids were the ones who stole pure vanilla's staff, vampires wine, my detective badge, Milk cookie's mace and onion cookie?" Almond cookie stepped out into the clearing before custard threw vampires wine Bottle on the ground and screamed "SCATTER!!!"

We all ran into different directions me having stolen pure vanilla's staff ran up a tree, Custard that stole vampires wine ran to the town, Strawberry who stole milk cookie's mace ran to her home, wizard who stole onion cookie this morning ran to onions home.

"Onion has my badge doesn't she!?" Almond shouted as he chased wizard cookie "Phew, close call." I muttered "Gingerbrave I know you have my staff get down from there." pure vanilla said from the ground.

I slipped and fell. "Sorry pure vanilla!-" I said to him giving him his staff back "Uh gingerbrave, your wing was ripped" pure said "And your tail snapped" I looked behind me and saw my tail snapped in half but before I screamed in pain pure vanilla used healing.

He bandaged my tail "You should be careful gingerbrave, most of everyone thinks your wearing a costume right?" said Pure vanilla "Plus, The other dragon cookies will come for you if they find out". "The dragon cookies will come for me?" I said scared, He nodded.

"But don't worry, we can protect you" Pure said. "I hope..." I muttered I wondered what would happen if I did get captured by the other dragon cookies? Would I die? Atleast I will be protected by the adults if they do come.. Right?.

"we know where you are, little dragon."


<<Word count: 463>>

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