Chapter 8. "Time At The Beach?"

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Gingerbrave POV

The kingdom is going to the beach to relax! I wonder what it'd be like "OKAY EVERYONE" Shouted Almond "WE HAVE RULES STILL INCLUDING, NO FIGHTING, NO STEALING and I'm looking at you kids AND- WAIT where's my wallet, DEVIL!?."

Devil had almonds wallet in his hand and threw it into the sea but sorbet shark cookie caught it "OooOooOoo" Shark said as they gave Almond their wallet back. "I regret letting those kids free and ginger, custard, strawberry, Wizard and onion, if you steal again.."

"I will trap you in angel cookies room for an entire day" Almond said to them with seriousness causing me and the others to shiver. We all started having fun and also getting hit by a volleyball once and a while, turns out everyone guessed I was a dragon.

No one was afraid of me though! Turns out herb saw me when I was gliding away, They wanna help me learn how to fly. "So this is how you fl-" Said Devil cookie before I showed him my wings "I think your wings only can glide since they aren't like normal wings-"

"Well every dragon has their own special ability right?" Asked wizard reading a book on dragons "I honestly don't know this happened a few days ago!" I said. "Let's see if you can cast illusions first?" Wizard said. I tried using magic but nothing happened?...

"Ginger? Why are you in natural form?" Asked wizard as I realised what Happened. I quickly shifted back by accident "So I think you don't have your powers yet" Wizard said as he points at my smaller horn "One of your horns is not fully grown" He said. "What?" I asked.

"Some dragons have their physical dragon stuff come first then their magic it seems" Wizard said while reading the book. Suddenly we were soaked by water "CMON GUYS!" Laughed Shark as he was in the sea with squid ink cookie in his arms "CAN YA CAUSE A STORM!?"

Suddenly EVERYONE got soaked by a big wave all of the reckless cookies laughed. I laughed. I grabbed wizards hand and ran toward the others who were laughing I saw that wizard was flustered and I Realized why, "I- uh- sorry! I- I did- didn't me- mea-n to!-"

"I- its f- fine" He stuttered. "Hey did you see that shadow in the sea?" Said Lime cookie looking over at the sea pointing at a shadow "It's probably nothing!" I stated.

...Not that gingerbrave or his friends knew...

...Something was wrong...


<<Word count: 428>>

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