Chapter 13 "Brother And Sister"

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Gingerbright POV

The boat landed on a shore and we got off. "Kiddos, when will ye return?" Pirate asked. "1st or 2nd of November!.. Hopefully.." I replied. I looked at the string and followed it. Pumpkin followed me with Hesitation, She was holding her teddybear close to herself.

When we got to a tall tree I flew up and looked into the Horizon, So many trees, Ginger must love the view here, I saw the string went east of where I am. I jumped back down and grabbed pumpkins hand, I started running as fast as possible "TO EAST!" I shouted.

I probably got the attention of many dangers so I opened my wings and flew, I saw strange creatures that looked like cakes? I flew down above them, They had quite a shock when they looked up to see a flying cookie as some of them barked madly.

Pumpkin looked at them before picking one up somehow, I went back down and pet some of them "We haven't found the kingdom yet, And these are NOT cookimals, We might be on the wrong island." Said pumpkin putting the cake creature onto the ground.

"Well, This is where brav-" I said before being bit by the cake. "Owww.." I muttered. The bite took some of my hp down. "BRIGHT THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL US. WE GOTTA GO." shouted pumpkin as I heard a whistle blow. I opened my wings and grabbed pumpkin.

We went into the air and hid in a tree, We watched as a cookie with a weird arm came into view "Where did those people go.. Huh? A map?" They said as they picked up my map. "Who's 'gingerbright'?" I was petrified, But I had a plan. I'd turn into my natural form.

I jumped into the air and shifted into my natural form. I roared before causing a light blue flame to surround the cookie. I turned into my cookie form right in front of them and walked through the fire to take my map back. "The names gingerbright." I said with hostility.

I flew away quickly as the fire dispersed, I watched as the cookie ran back into the darkness where they came from. Me and pumpkin continued our way to brave's kingdom, I felt excitement fill every step of the way. At one point I ran faster than pumpkin and made her fall.

I was humming the song again "What's that song called?" Asked pumpkin. "Hm? What song?" I asked in confusion as I stopped humming. "The song you were humming." She said "Oh! it's soldier, poet, King!" I said with excitement before seeing a pathway.

"Is this the way?" I asked. I looked at my string and it went through the path. I followed the string with even more excitement, Pumpkin lit up a torch because it was night and we were wandering within the night, "Oh I forgot we'd come at night hah-" I said.

When I saw a pink hoodie I grinned as that is where the string ended. "STRAWBERI?" I shouted to hear "B- B- B- BRIGHT!?" Shouted strawberry as I hugged her. "IT'S BEEN TOO LONG" I said. "Do you know where the kingdom your from is?" I asked her.

Strawberry took me and pumpkin to the kingdoms entrance "Welcome... To THE GAYEST KINGDOM" Shouted strawberry. "what-" I muttered. "Hi there new mem- Wait- BRIGHT!?" I heard my brother shout "BRAVE IT'S ME" I shouted back. I flew up to him and saw he was a dragon too!

"I'm guessing you turned into a dragon already?" He said and I nodded "We both have weird horns too!" I said pointing to my horns that were on 1 side only while one of his weren't fully grown. "Well, Welcome to The gayest kingdom!" brave said.

"You named your kingdom actually that?" I asked trying not to laugh. "Yep! We named it that because most of us are gay" Brave Replied. He opened the gate to let me, pumpkin and strawberry inside of the kingdom. But I felt like something else came through, it was probably nothing!



<<Word count: 690>>

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