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The police siren sounded in the middle of the night, waking up the entire neighborhood. Shortly thereafter, the ambulance also reached the house preparing for the worst.

When the policemen broke inside, they discovered something horrible had happened...blood was spilling everywhere and the desperate cry of a woman caught their attention in the living room, just ahead of the main entrance.

They found her there, on her knees in front of other bodies, with cuts everywhere and judging by her expression, it looked like she had been through Hell...
As the others came in to rescue that poor family, the cops searched the house from top to bottom, but found nothing and no one suspicious.

When the doctors reached the family members, they saw what the situation was; the man had a deep wound in his abdomen and had to be taken to the hospital immediately; as for the younger boy, he was still breathing, but with a serious head injury and it would be some time before he fully recovered; the woman's condition wasn't good too, but the doctors were certain that she would recover in no time, since the wounds weren't as deep as those of her husband...

But only three of them were present in the house. The same woman said her daughter's body had been taken away by the killer, but she didn't know where.

Shortly before, Y/n had taken the hit of the killer in place of her mother and when Michael realized it was too late...his blade was in her heart.
He grabbed her before she could fall to the ground; even a killer like Michael Myers was on the verge of despair when he saw the thing he loved most die in front of him and because of him...for the first time, his dead eyes understood what pain was, killing the one person he never wanted to kill.

Michael saw Y/n reach out for his mask.

《It's over, my love...》 She managed to say with a faint and painful smile.

She kissed his fake white lips before dropped her arm and head back...of that kiss, just the blood stayed on them.

Y/n had sacrificed her life to save her mother, to stop the hatred she herself had unleashed in Michael. She felt frightened at first, but when she realized everything was about to end she could just close the eyes, leaving a last bloody kiss to her lover with the expressionless face, but who was probably dying inside.

Michael Myers left the house before the police arrived carrying her body in his arms and ignoring the other woman on the ground. Even though she had closed her eyes forever, he didn't want to part with her.

Y/n knew it would have happened from the first day...she knew she would have died at the hands of Michael Myers and now the only way to die peacefully was with no regrets, but the tears didn't stop falling from her cold, dirty cheeks...the pain would have never gone away from Y/n, along with the memory of his empty face, no longer filled with true emotions. And Love.

Michael moved away from the lights surrounding the house where he had come out and stopped in the middle of a small wood not far away; the night was so dark that no one would see him there...then, he looked at her face for a long time and stroked it with a pair of bloody fingers; although he had killed such a beautiful flower, he could still smelled the scent she emanated as life slowly left her light body.

Eventually, his precious light was gone forever from that miserable and depraved world...to go back there, where he would have returned...

After that violent storm, a fog enveloped the town of Collingswood; because of that, the policemen felt disoriented as the doctors thought about getting the broken family into the ambulance. However, it wasn't just like any other and it would have disappeared taking with it everything that wasn't part of that world...

Unfortunately for Y/n, nothing was over. That sick game had no intention of abandoning her and even Death couldn't stop it.
Then, the memory of that endless nightmare came back to haunt her, it didn't matter if she wasn't breathing anymore...anyway, Y/n would have opened her eyes again, more aware than ever of her new existence...tear apart the thread that linked her life with that of who had condemned her to this cruel fate.

She would have met Michael Myers, sooner or later...hating and loving that cursed man for the rest of her days.

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