Level V

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Jake's POV:

《Sorry Jake, but I need to be alone...》

Those words made me feel bad. I don't know why the others reacted that way, nor why Y/n was in those horrible conditions. I respected her choice, but I would never stop looking for her.

I was continually forced to watch my friends die, but I have never felt so incapable in my life until then.
I wanted to let her know that I would always be there for her...I wanted to tell her how important she had become to me.

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Nea's POV:

I looked Meg in the eye.
《What the fuck happened earlier?》

She didn't seem to know the answer either...
Y/n ran off to the camp with us, but then why was she in that state? It's useless to ask at the bear (David), since he was killed by the Cannibal.

No one spoke and the atmosphere was really irritating me.
《What the hell do you all have now?》I grumbled.

《What do you say...》  Laurie spoke, who was standing.
《Do you think it's normal to see such a thing?!》  She suddenly raised her voice and looked down at me, who had just sat down.
I never could stand when someone yelled in my face...

《I don't expect anything better from this place, but now I think you're all exaggerating...》  Maybe, I didn't understand the gravity of the situation yet, but I didn't feel like judging a teammate without knowing exactly what had happened.
Without saying anything else, the blonde walked away.

《Nea, Y/n never told us about it, but there's something wrong since the first trial she had against the Shape...》
Claudette came over and told me in a low voice.

《So? Would you like to tell me that something else happened? What is it, then...?》  Now I was curious to know what it was, but it was useless to talk about it like that. However, Claudette didn't answer me and simply adjusted her glasses.

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Steve's POV:

《What?! Are you serious, Nancy? It can't be true...》  I was shocked by her revelation.

《I tell you it is.》  She pulled me out to talk to me about something "important" but, damn, I never imagined such a thing.

《Did you bring me here, away from everyone, to tell me this? I thought you wanted to talk about us!》  I was serious as she kept telling me about Y/n and some stupid secret she was hiding.

《Well, I don't see anything strange about it...but why do you care?》  I asked her.

《I don't understand why Laurie got so mad. The point is that we aren't in a position to think about certain things.》  She answered seriously.

《Okay, detective...so what? Do you want to tell me that I should hit on her before Jake makes the first move?》
As I spoke, Nancy snorted.

《...why I keep talking to you...》

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Y/n' POV:

Nothing... that was what I wanted to hear. I felt Jake slowly walk away leaving me in the dark. I was used to that, by now.

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