Preparing with Upperclassmen

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The next day, you and Nobara went to meet up with the upperclassmen, to get ready for the exchange event. Fushiguro said he had something to do and that he would come later.

When you guys got there, you and Nobara went with Panda. Maki and Inumaki were just watching on the sidelines.

"Ready to get started?" Panda asks and you nod. He grabs you both by your wrists and starts to spin you guys. Your feet get lifted up the ground as we go around in circles.

Oh shit

After two or three spins, Panda puts you down and you both crash onto the ground. The wave of dizziness comes over you and after a few moments, you get up.

"How does this help us anyways?" You question.

"Falling practice."

"What?! Are you stupid?! How does this help us with falling practice?!?" Nobara starts to get mad at Panda.

"I toss you around and when you fall, you can get used to it." Panda explains. Nobara is definitely not buying it. He wastes no time to grab our arms again and begins to toss us around.

"I don't wanna do this!" Nobara complains.

"I wanna go shopping and get cute tracksuits!"

Girl same

Panda once again, let's go of our arms and we go flying. You get up and see Fusiguro going to talk with Maki. You start to head towards them and you hear Nobara behind yourself.

"I'm ruining my cloths for this! Do you realize that?"

You laugh at that. You walk over towards Fushiguro and you're about to greet him when Maki speaks up.

"So first." She points her weapon to him.

"Land a blow on us. Then we'll talk."

Fushiguro nods and they go out to the field.

"Can we do that too?" You ask her. You don't want to to this training with Panda anymore.

"You're with Panda for now, it's his choice so ask him." Maki says. You nod and go down to the field where you see Nobara getting tossed around by Panda still. Inumaki made his way down there and was watching them.

"Hey Panda?"

"Yes?" He stops tossing Nobara around and looks at you.

"Can we fight? Can we actually train?" You ask. He thinks for a moment.

"Sure." I hear Nobara let out a victory laugh after he said that.

"Nobara go take a break." Panda says to her, pointing at a resting place near some trees.

"So what did you want to work on?" He asks and starts walking to more of an open space.

"I don't know. You said that you guys were going to help train us and get ready. So train me." You say.

"Oh? Ok then. Show me what you got." Panda replies and gets into a fighting stance.

"No weapons?" You ask.

"Nope. We're just going to do hand-to-hand combat." Panda replies and comes towards you, throwing a punch. You dodge it and throw one back but he dodged and throws an uppercut, hitting your jaw. You step back a bit and he stops.

"We clearly have a lot to work on." Panda says.

"Let's get started then."


Nobara comes back and is working with Inumaki and Fushiguro is still with Maki. You're still working with Panda on combat skills. After a while you all stop and decide to continue tomorrow.

We all go back to our dorms and relax. You were getting bored being in your dorm so you decided to take a walk. You packed a few snacks just in case you got hungry and set out. You liked exploring at nighttime, the stars were bright, the city lights were on. You were just walking down a road, next to a forest, when you heard a bang. A rush of smoke came and you looked in that direction.

A cursed spirit

You decided to check it out. You went down there, being careful, not to break a twig and cause attention to yourself. Hiding behind a tree, you peeked to see what was going on. You saw a familiar cursed spirit face. Jogo. You also saw someone that looked like... Gojo. No. It was Gojo. He was holding someone. It was also Itadori. You couldn't believe your eyes. It was Itadori. You knew there was a possibility he was alive but the others said that he was dead. But clearly he is alive. And what is he doing here?

You watched as Gojo set Itadori down and landed the finishing blow on Jogo. Flowers began popping out of the ground. Gojo and Itadori seemed to be in a fazed state, but they quickly snapped out of it. Another cursed spirit came and wanted to take Jogo with him. Gojo started to fight him, but the curse was avoiding his attacks. He grabbed Jogo and was about to leave.You took a small step to see what was going on more clearly. First mistake. The sudden noise made by the stick you cracked made Gojo's head turn over in your direction. The cursed spirits left at this chance. Gojo's head was scanning your area.

This wasn't good. Wasn't there some kind of animal around so you could toss it out into Gojo's view to make it look like it was that animal? Unfortunately,no. You took another peek to see if he was still looking in your direction. Second mistake. You made eye contact with him. You made a run for it, bursting through trees and bushes. Luckily enough, you made it to the main road. You stopped and paused for a second to catch your breath but as you look up you see Gojo leaning on a rail, looking at you.

"Wanna explain what you're doing here y/n?"

Sorry for any spelling mistakesssss

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