Chapter 3

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        CLAIRE FOUND HERSELF seated in the dining room at a long table across from Sarry. To her left sat Edward Lynch. At least she could turn her back and talk with Sarry about all she had done since Christmas. The girl was stunningly splendid and so chatty. Sarry hovered on the edge of everything notable and cut an illustrious figure in Boston society. Everyone wanted to know her. They loved her. Claire loved her too. She focused on the time she would have with Sarry at the party instead of worrying about what uncomfortable situation would arise between her and her father next. She had been too lonely since graduation. Maybe she could convince her to come to New York, but she would hold that conversation for when Eddie disappeared and could not invite himself along. He was a stack of wet blankets that even Sarry's vibrant persona couldn't dry out.

        While Sarry chattered about all the gossip Claire missed while at school, Eddie tried to regain her attention. He grasped her hand tightly and pathetically massaged the fingers, squeezing too tight. He raised it to his face, sniffing her skin and touching the fingers to his lips, practically drooling. Sarry's words took longer to register with her attention on the new attraction. Claire scrutinized Apollo, who had taken the seat on her father's right. She saw how the stranger listened disinterestedly to the woman who had continually laid a hand on him earlier. He tried to be gracious but she was pushing it. Claire imagined the old lady would be touching him then, if her reach allowed. A tiny smile curled the corners of her mouth. When Apollo responded to his admirer, Claire discerned his accent. The tones startled her as she thought she knew their origins. But then she told herself it was impossible. They were at war. People like him were barred from coming to the States.

        "Who's Fritzy?" Claire asked Sarry, pulling her hand back from Eddie. He held tight, insisting. She was too exhausted to fight and relinquished control.

        Sarry looked down the row of the table in the direction Claire indicated. The stranger overheard Claire's question. He glanced toward her, noticed her observation and flashed a smile. A blush started to burn her cheeks but she fought it down, setting her jaw tight. She knew she scowled, but preferred that to lighting up like a beet in front of a stranger who overheard her gossiping. She needed to take more care.

        "Oh, him." Eddie grimaced.

        Claire studied the stranger as she waited for Sarry's answer. Fritzy's eyes shifted to Eddie. Claire's situation amused him, as much as his had amused Claire moments before. She raised an eyebrow, but that only evoked another smile from Fritzy.

        "He's a friend of your father's. What's his name, Sarry?" Eddie continued.

        Sarry shrugged. "I can't say I've been told. No one really knows him. Your father keeps him under tight wraps. He's a dish though, ain't he?"

        "Is he German?" Claire whispered, tearing her hand away from Eddie's grip and leaning across the table.

        Sarry shrugged again. "All I know is—he's been here for a few months. Came a little after you last left, about New Year's time. He goes to the factory with your father and comes home with your father."

        Sarry wriggled in her seat and smiled deviously, enjoying that morsel of dangerous gossip. Claire knitted her brows in confusion and then realization smoothed her features as she caught the inference that Sarry's gyrations were making. Though Claire remained suspicious, her father never showed any tendency of the kind. But with Mother's illness, she supposed anything was possible.

        "Sorry I'm late!" A boisterous voice called from the door, sweeping the moment away with it.

        Claire lifted her chin to see Aunt Noreen enter the dinner party. She failed to contain her smile of relief. Aunt smiled back and winked.

        "My engagement couldn't keep my attention," Aunt explained to the table. She brushed Eddie out of his seat and took over, forcing everyone to bump down all along that side of the spread. "Did you really think I'd leave you to face this alone?"

        Claire grasped her aunt's hand and squeezed. Aunt Noreen struck up a conversation with Eddie, forcing him to deal with her and leave the girls alone. Claire grinned at Sarry, then swept her gaze over the other guests. Like a magnet, her eyes returned to her father's new associate. He brushed his finger over his perfect bottom lip as his eyes slipped over Claire's newly arrived aunt. He grabbed his glass and took a drink. Then the woman across from him stole his attention back, and Sarry's voice became too much to ignore

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