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Esmeralda Quinn's POV

When we arrived home the twins looked around in disbelief as I held Madelyn on my hip and her head laid on my shoulders as she was asleep. "This is your house?!" Mackenzie said in disbelief, "Actually it's your house as well now!" Cate said and the girls jumped for joy. "Can me and Kenzie share rooms?" Maddie asked, "Well we expected that..so uh...duh!" I said and they dragged Cate upstairs to show them their room.

Time skip

After dinner and I got the girls in their pajamas, Cate read the twins a bedtime story while I read Madelyn a bedtime story. "The End." I said ending the story, "Thank you mommy!" Madelyn says, "No problem sweetheart, have a good night sleep." I said before quietly going to the door, opening it and shutting it after flipping off the light.

I head off to our bedroom to find Cate already asleep. I lay in bed next to Cate, as I slowly doze off I stare at Cates beauty. Identifying every facial detail, until I finally fell asleep.

The next morning

I woke up in Cates arm inhaling her extravagant smell. "Finally you're awake." I hear Cate say in a raspy voice, "It's only 8AM which is too early if you ask me." I replied, "That's because you aren't a morning person." Cate laughed, "Whatever." I say before we heard tiny footsteps outside of our room. "You can come in." Cate said and the slightly opened door was slammed open, "Sorry." A little voice apologized. "It's fine, how did you get out of your crib?" I asked and she shrugged her shoulders while giggling.

She made her way over to the bed, while we sat up in the bed. She sat on Cates lap since Cate was the closes to her and laid her head on her chest. "Momma can we go to the park today?" Madelyn asked. "Of course Lynn." Cate said. "Yay!!!!!" We heard to voices cheer and we laughed.

The twins came running in the room and flopped themselves onto the bed, "Thank you so much!" Kenzie or...Maddie said...having twins will be hard.

"You are so very welcome, but we have to get ready first." I say.

Time skip

As we walked through the park the twins ran around as I strolled Lynn in her stroller. Mackenzie ran to the slide while Maddison ran to the monkey bars. "Mommy, I wanna go on the slide." Madelyn said, "Alrighty." I said taking her out of her stroller and followed the kids off into the crowded park.

After the park we got ice cream and went to a restaurant before going home and getting ready for bed. When the girls dozed off to bed it was now me and Cate's turn to sleep.

I laid in bed in the dark while Cate spooned me and my thoughts carried away, I heard a sigh behind me which made me snap out of my thoughts. "Your thoughts are loud." Cate said, "Sorry, I was just thinking about how grateful I am to have you..all of you." I confessed and she kissed my forehead.

"You're lucky? No sweetheart I'm lucky. Without you I'd be probably laying in bed and binge watching movies by myself. You and these children have been the most amazing thing that has happened to me in years! I love you dearly." She said, "I love you too."



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