|20| Unravel the wilds

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"Even when someone is miles away, always remember that we are under the same sky, looking at the same sun, moon and stars"


"Bea, wake up!" Someone shakes me. "Beatrice!" Then they slap my cheek lightly. I don't even have the energy to wince. I feel so weak. There's a dull throbbing in my shoulder. That's when I remember, "Tobias!"

"Who's this Tobias?" The same voice says.

"I don't know," another voice-a girl's voice replies.

But I can never forget that guy's voice, I can remember it anywhere. "Caleb," I whisper weakly.

"Beatrice!" He almost shouts making me flinch slightly despite my lack of energy. I slowly open my eyes to find Caleb right beside me. There's burnt land everywhere, I wince looking at it.

"I'm so selfish, I wanted my sister here but this place is extremely dangerous, Bea, you shouldn't have come here," he says and engulfs me in a hug and I happily hug him back even though my shoulder hurts like sin. Me too, I want to say but think better of it, knowing I need my strength for Tobias.

"Why are you here?" He questions pulling back to look at me. I can see the look of relief in his eyes to see me here. If I could I would have hugged the life out of him and talked to him the whole day.

"Caleb, let her breath!" Cara-I guess that's what her name is-thankfully comes to my aid. I don't think I can speak right now.

She helps me up and pulls me with her, supporting half of my weight. I follow her quietly despite the fact that I want to find Tobias. I need to find him. Please be safe, Tobias, I plead.

Please, please tell me where you are. How can you leave me here alone in such a dangerous place? But my brother found me, I don't know how. I've yet to ask. Can you hear me, Tobias? I sigh, knowing he can't hear me. That's just in books. I really wish though that telepathy was true. If I had any energy I would have laughed at myself for thinking about such stupid things. I'm truly a goner. I shake my head in despair. God, I really miss him.

There's nothing called sunlight in the sky. It's totally gray with swirling bluish clouds. I've never seen something like that. Even looking at it makes me shudder. It looks as if it can light up anytime anything. It looks merciless, just like the people of Reverie.

We come to a stop at a battered tent. There are at least twenty people squeezed in it. When we enter everything seems to still. Each person stops whatever the heck they are doing and turns to look at the new-comer-me. I shuffle nervously beside Cara as colour rises to my cheeks, hating being the center of attention.

"Ohh...look who we have over here!" A boy with black hair says and all the boys in the room hoot as if they have never seen a girl before, which seems kind of ironic because there are enough girls there.

"Shut up, Uriah!" Cara yells at him. "Come on Beatrice, we'll get you some food."

I follow her wordlessly, limping a little. We reach the back of the tent where all kinds of things that are required to survive are scattered and take a long gulp of water that Shauna gives me. "Don't mind them, they're actually nice people once you get to know them," she says pulling out a tattered tee-shirt and some pants from a truck.

"Here." She hands them to me, "they are not exactly in a good shape but at least they're clean. You'll have to bear with them though; their supplies are not that regular." I don't ask her what does she mean by their but I'm more than a little curious to know about it.

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