Proposing to his Snob

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After a lot of manoeuvring in the new country, Aladdin found the flowers that he was looking for. He summoned his magic carpet and began to fly back to Baghdad. 

He returned to the palace at afternoon the following day, and was greeted by colouful lanterns which were flying all across the city. 

"Ginu, have you made all the arrangments?" he asked. 

"Yes Aqaa," replied the plump genie. "Excuse me, now. I have to go and take Sarah Ji on an outing. I've promised her."

Aladdin laughed and let him go. He was about to lounge on a couch, when his ear was twisted by his mother. 

"Aah! Ammi, it hurts!" he screeched. 

"Hurts na? Why did you not tell me that you were going to propose to Sultana Yasmine?" retorted Rukhsaar. 

Her son wrestled out of her grasp as he answered. 

"I wanted to surprise you, Ammi." 

He then went on a spree of telling tall tales, and though Rukhsaar wasn't convinced, she let him go. She was the happiest person there. 

She took a colourful lantern and went to a balcony to let it fly. 

"Happy Lovers' Day, Omar," she said, looking at the setting sun. "Do you remember our first meeting? On this same day, twenty years ago. Both of us were lost in the bazaar, and..."

She spent some time reminiscing the memories she'd had with her late husband, before letting the lamp fly in full glory. 

Meanwhile, Yasmine was sitting in her room with Mohsina. Piddi had gone away somewhere with Khurram.

"I wonder why Aladdin has gone to Jordan! Has he forgotten what day it is today?" she ranted. 

Mohsina was listening to her patiently, and didn't speak a word. But in her mind, she was laughing hysterically.

"Why are you quiet, Mohsina?" 

"It's nothing, Sultana," replied the girl. "You are such a calm and practical person, but you are mad just because your lover has forgotten that it's Lovers' Day!"

Yasmine marvelled at her handmaiden's impudence. 

"You are a silly little puss," she snapped back. "You never know what happens when love strikes."

Mohsina did not want to argue further with her, and left the room.

The beautiful queen went near the large window, and looked outside. The pale full moon was shining impressively, as if making fun of her state. 

Just then, somthing interrupted her. A huge paper scroll came flying in the air and landed at her feet. 

Intrigued, Yasmine took it and read it. 

Dear Nakchadi
Please come to our favourite cliff, for I have a special surprise for you. 

I'm quite sure that you are mad at me, and so I want you to come there with a smile, please. You know what day it is today, and bring the colour lamp along with you. I'm sending the magic carpet to bring you here. 

Your Kaalechor

The queen grinned as she read the letter. 

"How does he know what I'm feeling, despite not being here?" she thought. "Well, let me not break his heart."

At the moment, the magic carpet flew in through the window. She sat on it, and soon it took her to their 'favourite cliff'.

Lovely, fragrant flowers dotted the cliff here and there, and the starry night only made it more beautiful. 

"Kaalechor, where are you?" she muttered to herself. The magic carpet had flown away, leaving her alone in that scenic spot. 

She walked to and fro, searching for her beau. But he was nowhere to be seen, at least for those few minutes. 

Suddenly, she heard a voice. 

The light of my life has come, 
Now, what's the need for the moon?

"Kaalechor!" she exclaimed. 

Aladdin had a striking smile on his handsome face, his dreamy eyes gazing at her crazily. He jumped down from the magic carpet and continued his poetry. 

You are the reason for my sleepless nights,
You are my night, as well as my slumber. 

Moon, stars, flowers, fragrance, you are all of them.
And you are also the love of my life!

"Happy Lovers' Day, Nakchadi," he said. 

Yasmine stayed silent. 

"What's the matter Nakchadi? Why are you not wishing me back?"

She gave him the glare. "Because, you monkey, you went off to Jordan without telling me! You scared the hell out of me!"

Aladdin frowned. 

"Is this how you'll call me for the rest of your life?" he snapped. "When Alasmine will be here, will you tell her that her father is a monkey?"

His beloved laughed as he ranted on. 

"And will you ever get a loverboy like me, who is good at heart, and also looks awesome?" 

"And walks like a monkey!" she said. Aladdin's face turned red with annoyance, and he turned his back at her. 

"But really," she started, and put her arms around his waist. "I'll never get a loverboy like you." 

Pacified, the young man turned towards her, and presented her with the flowers that he had got from Jordan. 

"You got these flowers... for me?" 

"Who else do I love?" 

She laughed heartily. In an unexpected moment, he got down on one knee. 

 "Sultana Y... Yasmine," he said. "Will you be this Kaalechor's Nakchadi forever?"

Needless to say, Yasmine was taken aback. She had been waiting for this moment ever since she'd realised she was in love with him. 

"Yes!" she said, as if loud enough for the whole world to hear. She bent down to kiss his forehead. 

Ginu and Genie Mini were watching the scene from behind a tree, and were amazed at the beautiful pair that their master and their queen made. 

"Sarah Ji," said Ginu. "Will you also come with me to fly lanterns?" 

"Yes Ginu!" replied Genie Mini, and both of them quickly left the place. 

Aladdin and Yasmine let their lantern fly and decided to go back to the palace. He summoned the carpet yet again. 

"Nakchadi, I have another surprise for you," he told her as they flew back to the city. He clapped his hands, and that was probably one of the happiest moments in both their lives.

The ground beneath them lit up to form the word 'Alasmine'.

Yasmine hugged him, unable to control her ecstasy.

"I love you, Kaalechor."

"I love you too, my Nakchadi," he said, and kissed her gently on the lips.

A Lovers' Day, well spent!

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